Comments Section
How about making the comments' icon functional? Repeated clicks on it are useless.
Gary Thompson commented
...and where's the "thumbs up/down" icons?
Janet Ghio commented
Stop attacking only Donald Trump; or attack all the candidates for their transgressions, they all are guilty of all his alleged offences ; all of the candidates, Democrats and Republicans, are as bad as one another; there is not one Presidential-worthy candidate amongst them. The more you attack just Donald Trump, the more I'm inclined to vote for him.
Anonymous commented
Subject line says it all
Darrell Hambley commented
You can improve yahoo TV by making the "comments" work.
Anonymous commented
ALLOW THE PEOPLE TO SPEAK THEIR MINDS!! GIVE US A VOICE!!! LET US COMMENT!!!! I SEE YOU DISABLED IT!!! Can't take the heat GET OUT OF THE KITCHEN!!! Yahoo was only my homepage because of the comment section!!! Please don't force me to "google"!!!
Anonymous commented
I would like more articles to comment on, how else can we be heard and gain info.
Tokyo commented
Comments should be allowed to correct (even if only viewed by the author) outright mis-statements of fact. As an example- Ken Tucker's column on June 25 contained both a non-truth and a statement that could easily be refuted. A casual reader would not have the chance to see "the other side" of the argument and would not be able to determine the veracity of his (or a contradictory) position.
This is another reason why I am considering severing all ties with Yahoo- offering slanted commentary and news aggregation that gives only one viewpoint and silences opposing voices is not a cause I choose to support.
[Deleted User] commented
Allow comments on Yahoo TV news stories like the video of ***************************** attacking the anti-Islam guy.
Anonymous commented
they don't have the courage to take comments. ever note the bits by Katie Couric which are completely false and most of the time do not really tell the truth, only the truth as they see it.
Golden_Lady commented
Article on 27th '21 New Shows"
Does Hollywood/Film world think there are no Blacks, Mexicans, Asians, Indians, etc. We want to see everyone on TV!
Anonymous commented
why so many stories without comment sections?....
greg commented
totally agree. none of the YAHOO sites with the comment icon have a working icon.