Anniversary emails that aren't depressing
Umm.. I'd like a happy anniversary email that's actually happy? Not an obviously perturbed sad faced dog in human clothes being annoyed by a mentally ill owner who wants likes and attention via a fb gif vid, not a cat that's humiliated in order to earn treats (definitely the better of the lot though), not cute happy dolphins with health defects that forever trap them in a pool (still cuties so best of the 4), and not a scared seal that jumps in fear - also, WHY IS IT COVERED IN BLOOD?? WHY IS THERE A IT'S MY YAHOOVERSARY BADGE OVER A GIF OF A SEAL WITH A SLASHED BLOODY MISERABLE LOOKING FACE GETTING SCARED AS YOUR HAPPY DAY MESSAGE????? Talk about ruining someone's day. Dang. What kind of sick, messed up people do you have working for you? Get a manager on that ASAP!