I suggest you quit bashing Trump and stop posting one sided biased fake news! Post facts.
Anonymous commented
pic me up and itdujg
Anonymous commented
Anonymous commented
Anonymous commented
Anonymous commented
Anonymous commented
Anonymous commented
you are way to biased in politics! I'm about ready to delete my account I've had since 06! maybe longer! just report the news and keep your opinion to yourselves!
Atlas Lomeli commented
I'm on this order
Atlas Lomeli commented
I'm on this order
government employees need to add along with troops and police to watch the sky for helicopters and drones to protect all our government officials. I am not biased every official should work together and help our natnion
Allegedly anonymous sources commented
Trump twenny twenny
Roger commented
Biden is evil.
Anonymous commented
Overly democrat yahoo
Anonymous commented
**** their leftist propaganda. Don't send it anymore.
Larry Wilson commented
I am sick of the media. All you all do is bash Trump. You should be reporting on important **** like domestic terrorism.
Anonymous commented
Removing yahoo now that comments have been removed. They don't want opposing views to impact their propaganda attempts.
Anonymous commented
your trash reporters
elise m. kinsey commented
void communist acts
Anonymous commented
your news sources skew so far to the left and you never present any stories about Republicans or President Trump in anything but a negative way. I worked in news for 15 years. you are as subjective as Breitbart and you act like you don't even know it. I wish I could unsubsidized but need to get these ridiculous alerts to access my email.
ShermCraig commented
I suggest you grow up and quit crying