On the "About Us" page, there is an English usage error.
On the "In the Know" website's "About Us" page (its url address follows the body of this message) there is an English usage error.
Its text currently reads "In The Know will only retract an article after extensive review by the Director of Programming has found fundamental flaws in the reporting, and always with an editor’s note."
It may be corrected to "In The Know will only retract an article after an extensive review....[etc]."
The phrase at the end of the sentence is misleading, and leads to the sentence having an unintended meaning. Right now, the meaning of the sentence is "the Director of Programming will retract an article only if these two conditions are met: Firstly, the article must have fundamental flaws in its reporting; secondly, the article must have an editor's note." This may be corrected by rewording the sentence's end phrase to "...fundamental flaws in its reporting, and retractions will always labeled by an editor's note."
Actually, the entire paragraph needs to be rewritten. An extensive review does not find anything. A Director of Programming might find something by means of an extensive review. But that is your work to do, not mine.
Also, it was unexpected, to be taken to a Yahoo site, in order to submit a correction. If "In The Know" is outsourcing its customer service, then that is pitiful.