Feature articles on those who have happily returned to their birth gender.
Politicized articles on transgenderism. People should not be cruel however, using the term "uneducated"to describe those who disagree with this popular trend is both unnecessary and condescending. If the featured couple choose to coo and pretend to each other that's their business. However! Transgender women are not women. I'm a woman, Tina Turner is a woman, Beyonce is a woman. "Transwomen", are men. Period!

Jon Roberts commented
Yes, trans people are a VERY small minority of the public, but there's no reason to remove them from the public eye. I know half a dozen trans people, and they just want to be who they want to be. Who gives a **** if they "aren't real women" whatever that means. If they want to be men, let them be men. If they want to be women, let them be women. The ONLY reason you should care about what equipment they have is if you plan on using it. Do you plan on using their equipment?