In the article "Baby Hacks", the first two ideas are extremely dangerous and should be pulled from airing. I am a Pediatrician working in a hospital and think that two of these ideas pose a serious risk to injuring or killing kids. Taping the plastic bag of glitter or tiny objects to a high chair is a terrible idea. The bag could break or accidentally open and baby puts those tiny pieces in mouth potentially causing a suffocation hazard or aspiration into the airway. Also, no parent should allow a baby to play with a plastic bag. EVER!!! These are a major suffocation risk if they can get at any or part of the bag. Also, sucking on whole mango is a bad idea. The skin of a mango contains compounds akin to poison oak (urushiol). This can cause severe allergic reactions and skin changes similar to a first or second degree BURNS. I've seen it happen a few times. This reaction can also be delayed by hours or days, thus confusing a parent as to the cause. This is a BAD IDEA. Please remove the content!!!! Laura Maselli, MD Carmichael, California.