please keep your politics (Kamala) which is an idiot incase you didnt know off my login page. not all paying members are liberal or democrat
stay out of politics atleast on paid email subscriptions
Don Riess commented
Not everyone are morons thinking Yahoo is messaging them about Kamala or think tRump would be a good president. I know you'd like to censor what Americans think, but at least half of American's wanted logic to win in 2024 and 2025...but it we have to live with logic like that of the original posters thinking Yahoo is out to get them. There are more important factors - like will the US survive the next 4 years.
nicholas james miller commented
no kamala on my login page
nicholas james miller commented
Kamala big fat nope! and Booooooooooooooo
nicholas james miller commented
highly suggest removing and staying out of politics, i have always loves yahoo and have email 25+ years which i pay for no ads. Do not solicit me for anything democrat especially Kamala related!