why can i not put a comment on any subject that appears on the news page or any other page
when I want to leave a comment nothing happens it just goes back to the top of the page
Ib Ib commented
The only reason I bothered with Yahoo was to read the comments....some of them were brilliantly funny. So now...bye bye Yahoo.
Roger Mew commented
I am afraid that Yahoo is now in the hands of those that do not want you to comment. This is no longer a community but a set of readers, that is if they now can be bothered. The community, including trolls yes them as well, are no longer a community. Yahoo sort your life out and let us respond and not just here but to articles. Yes I hate some of the nastiness, but in a war, to give a simile killing the soldiers on both sides stops the war, but there is nothing left, so I guess yahoo knows it is about to die.
Alexander Tomniak commented
Why is it you discriminate against my faith? I'm a Christian and you pot are not,you never allow my comment on your page,but every other topic,your disgusting,and as of today will never have any dealings with this site,you hate God,and folks like me who post comments about Him,and our faith,its a policy that I find offensive,and if I had my way would shut you all down.
Anonymous commented
Yahoo deleted my complaint about comment blocking and removal.
Anonymous commented
i am no IT tech so why do u think that is?
melanie gambling commented
This happens on my netbook, although not on my laptop. A "ribbon" of news stories appear at the bottom of page, but no comments. It works ok for entertainment, sportor finance items though.
John Speak commented
until two days ago I could post comments but for the last two days exactly the same has been happening to me, as soon as I press comment it returns to the top of the page,
Roger Mew commented
This has been done to force you to use either Firefox or Internet Explorer. It is yet another try on by MS to get the world to be MS. I actually use Opera, far nicer, faster and easier than most the IE have tried to emulate it but IE is soooo slow on my limited input that I am now fitting a morse key to slow my input down however, my CW is faster than the IE.
So, if you want to make a comment on a news article you have now to use IE or Firefox. Me, I am now looking for a new thing. -.-. --.- THats CQ for thems not au faite with CW -
Anonymous commented
Michael M is right. Proper debate is taboo amongst the powers-that-be in the UK. It threatens their domination-through-ignorance status quo. This is exactly how it works, mark my words. Resist it - these days we have the internet and can GET educated FAR better, without needing to pay their indoctrinating 'Public School' fees.
B Rollinson commented
Where's my comment gone posted 5mins ago?
I said. Earlier comments have covered want I wanted to say, Don't Yahoo have a systems check in place or really read "Feedback" For goodness sake "extractum digitum". Some customer service please. -
B Rollinson commented
Same overall problems here! Do Yahoo carry out system checks or read "Feedback." For goodness sake get your finger out and sort it!!! You do Know how to alienate customers.
Michael m commented
They don't want proper debate only silly idiots posting about celebs & trolls spilling their bile. Think it's to give them something to do till their benefit money arrives!
Lol Nicholson commented
I am having the same problem,able to post comments on some subjects but not others.
Andy commented
Please what I don't understand is I can leave a comment on some subjects but not the one I would like to subscribe to ie; George osbourne parking in a disabled bay . Just goes back to top of page , no thumbs up or leave a comment icons HELP please...!!!!!!!!
william mccormick commented
Is Yahoo not listening to these comments. I'm a paying Yahoo customer and I'm getting fed up with not being able to comment on certain headlines. If Yahoo want to keep their customers they better pull their finger out and get this problem sorted. It's been going on for ages and like everyone else I'm thoroughly sick of it. Yahoo DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT AND QUICK.
James commented
penny camps commented
So, John posted this question on 17th March - it's now April 2nd
penny camps commented
This is what I came here to say.....
So? Why can't we post?
Jon commented
I am having the same problem, I can only leave comments on a few news articles. On the articles that I can't comment on I can see one page of other peoples comments, but I cannot see the thumbs up/down for any comment. Also, clicking on the sorting options or the 'more' and 'post a comment just goes back to the top of the page. I have tried using both IE10 and Google Chrome browsers and I get the same problem using either of them.
I can see from comments and Y Answers that there are many people having the same problem. -
James commented
John, I know exactly what you mean. For a couple of years my Yahoo "my comments" worked perfectly. very recently it only worked with some stories, now it doesn't work at all.
I did try the Yahoo "help" and there's no instruction to deal with this and yahoo never answered.