Comments are filled with racism and religious intolerance
Racism, particularly against asian men and islamophobic ideas are fuelled in the comments section. Often it is by a few repeat individuals who seem to have nothing better to do than spread hatred and I would like to see the feature which allows users to 'report abuse' revamped to allow users to report specific types of abuse. For example in this case, flag comment as racist abuse and if a user is flagged a certain number of times for the same offence they receive a ban.
Ib Ib commented
The only reason I bothered with Yahoo was to read the comments....some of them were brilliantly funny. So now...bye bye Yahoo.
Larry WIles commented
We must also include homophobia, age and disability discrimination as not tolerated. All are equal, or none. Equality is easy when you try.
Anonymous commented
As long as Yahoo lazily aggregates so much Murdochian content it will attract and reinforce outspoken racist idiots. Y! used to make content - now it aggregates the NOTW.
Joey commented
Erm maybe the asain men and islam then should get their head out the sand and look to why they are hated... ie supporting sexsim, respression, ignornance, abusing girls etc.
its like some mother complaining that peoepl hate and comment about her boy or the boy and his mates do... totoally ignoring that they are little sh**s who go around bullying others, mugging, vandeleising and rterrorising old folk.
you see your particualr kinds of abuyse reportign just coveres up things like forced arranged marriage, honour killing, the abuse girls get for mini skirts and gay abuse etc.
its better to rip apart peoples comments when in the wrong but when they have evidence backed arguments accpet they are right.
Hiding the truth is how things like church run child abuse continues as nobody will speak about it.
And relgion is not a race, you can change any time thus if support a sexist abusive one then rightly so you can be cricised for it.
Anonymous commented
Freedom of speech