it is so user unfriendly to view the images in yahoo news.
microsoft furbee commented
pm lee from singapore 1person independence got sack by malaysia gov. lee protest outside queen location fullterton hotel give her pap paper need to register for land and tell queen need to pay for land. build mas london tell queen help her print money but she need gold bar need to loan from bank need to owe money? i help lee print money lee no need work lee no need goldbar print 1note 900trillion. your bank can topup 1atm card $750billion dollar and he no need owe. when queen ask for money lee say you need goldbar licence to open bank. lee took 2min open 40bank with licence. queen need money give each worker 50000sgd 10000sgd
lee tell court room you need lawyer you need president sign vote then can loan 750billion dollar for 1hdb flat. how you get 40hdb flat? lee say he got vote. lee raise own flag sack british court room got tell queen you helping her print money? then what for lee help? we ask posb help print 900trillion 1note. help lee do business. say lee owe 900billion goldbar money. why no vote for 40bank 40sgx 40wallstreet 40hdb with licence 2min or bank of amercian open singapore inside 1school give each india worker $1m for building or worker add 5000cpf 5000posb dollar 1coin 1card? lee sign 1brunei 1sgd right why dont send 1yen 1000sgd lee say yen no value. who say ? why dont lee price 1gold bar print 900billion 1note topup posb book credit bonus. why dont mall school office camp coffeeshop reception open bank give out 5000 atm card 5000 nets voucher 3mth. why dont sign 1usd print 900trillion 1sgd 1note? tell your police army airforce report to microsoft facebook. summon microsoft furbee on your radar air sea land map phonebook radio 95 96 97 tv 5 10 hbo cartoon network asiaone newasisa cctv speaker train airport tower building army airforce navy home affairs manpower mindef bp ntuc singtel ***** chase ceo management change webpage 10owner 10bankmanager raise pay. you all worker party working for usa congress join nsa nasa fire safety. kate queen nsa department 22cars ambulance gurkah cisco tp lta police airforce army navy civil defend sbs smrt singtel find kidnap missing fire smoke knife ****. logbook write duty petrol fire excise duty detail clerk sign if break down say you go coffeesop toilet. say you drive car engine smoke park coffeeshop test if working. officer any question can report to manpower home defend sports finance minister or find microsoft. sch kids downstairs hdb give info location if feel unsafe fighting smoke lightning kidnap rob. coffeshop your new base. stop beer bottle man beat girl hit face 14stitches. im microsoft cia if you see me pretend you dont know me no search no arrrest walk away drive pass me. microsoft gov. kate company building fbi webpage sponsors
kate queen
microsoft gov