microsoft furbee
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93rd ranked
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29th ranked
An error occurred while saving the comment microsoft furbee commented
sponsor brazil flood 400dead house bank helo boat volunteer food water generator toilet damned 1gold bar buy 900billion cash card dollar exchange credit bonus topup bankbook. bp book 5000point montly withdraw company voucher bank voucher topup cash card. help me dail this number pls tel me6 chua guan hwa hd iol ctr for commander nalcom 68642511 singapore navy S8302715J obama head admin not going reservist. tell navy post S8302715J kate dipolmat to navy defuction unit refer from imh kate queen. tony tan son defer 9yrs com put commando whitehorse president obama cant print money. hilary owe 3m. lee can print money open 40bank sch building. 750billion 1apartment. 1sgx 900billion shares. lee say help queen sack british court room raise own flag print money give queen $100000 for land. tell queen need licence open bank cant print money need gold bar print. loan 750m need president sign give india worker $750.00. lee open banks usa uk india china sign contract tell company loan bank owe go into sgx wallstreet sell share owe sign contract buy land owe . open lee law school public policy. us lawyer study law owe sue for money. why lee dont ask teo ng defend finance minister and macdonalds shop print money 1note 50000 give all worker student sponsor pay montly no need gold bar. tell your army lawyer irs dont sue us tell mangement open webpage add 10sponsor management owner bank reception cash card paypal bank.
radio microsoft furbee if your duty officer clerk dont want sign or type for sponsorship bully smoke fire **** fighting drugs sue. microsoft facebook. china space station facebook. why you army airforce navy no book voucher atm card erp cash card? community centre book cpf book sgx book 4dbook 5000point every mth withdraw 7eleven voucher ntuc voucher nets voucher posb voucher oub coin ocbc dollar topup cash card. microsoft gov. kate queen.
microsoft head fbi cia ica dea nea sdp isd cid sib ndu nasa cmpb cpib workerparty ntuc psa sembcorp china india british intelligence home affairs manpower mindef radar radio 95 99 tv 8 10 internet phone singtel m1 starhub singnet. radio microsoft furbee on handphone computer radio tv headset army airforce navy radio. no **** murder. kate land why your navy doctor dont raise british flag sack lee for cheating west land ? kate never ask you report army owe money. microsoft gov. kate queen.
microsoft company building fbi webpage
kate queen
microsoft gov
worker party singapore gov serving kate -
52nd ranked
An error occurred while saving the comment microsoft furbee commented
your lee and law minister and lee lawyer dont listen then why bank and company need to listen report to your lawyer paper work? no need we print our own money your will be like north korea security guard just look after the market outside the paper work we write our own the land not yours bank not yours also your just guard outside. our own loan your dont step near our bank dont search our company search your pap gov why they 40banks 40sch 40mall 40apartment around the world and mas dont print money? your lee not consitution not recognise we want a british lawyer a worker party lawyer and a british flag and kate sign or no need talk no need vote. now why you send lawyer cpib iras? you not happy with our people you give loan 99yrs 900trillion or print 900trillion 1coin 1note 1cash card not happy give them open 40bank 40sgx 40company or macdonald print money. why your take us as birdshit protestor? your better show some respect here. microsoft isd can enter your house. im microsoft furbee. your lee 1person independence give queen 10000sgd 1note for land sack british gov go into their house take their house give own paper work give farmer 3star general coffeeshop auntie sign ask them work in bank lawyer. ask you loan money from bank or sell or nblock or they take the house your got listen? dont listen jail them fraud? your got help? got british paper work got sign? your lee isd when into people farm take their land ask them leave say want to build hdb 750m and give them 40000sgd leave location or 500000cpf dollar. when the land can be sgx building dbs building 900billion cpf share. why microsoft isd take your bank need paper work or sign? or loan need sign? land half cpf was china made half was west made. why dont your law minister lee lawyer usa embassy security guard swiss hotel manager toa payoh life guard give lee 100000 ask him quit work community centre loan $750for his pay study 14yrs work 40yrs fill iras ura acra cpf psa paper 1sq feet 2730$ loan from bank enter sgx sign contract open bank need licence cant print need gold bar and think is right? when gold bar can be 900billion cash card dollar? so why need to report army? why cannot loan 750b give worker? company can loan not your lawyer problem not pap problem not lee and law minister problem your just bill usa congress if not happy why you say we money fraud then lee wife buy 25% citibank share not corruption not fraud? why hilary owe 3m leave congress? why cannot print why cannot open 40banks? lee say fraud. why you control west money? not your department your cannot search or ask question or write policy and say fraud give lawyer lawyer not recognise cannot sign contract also need kate permission your all better report to kate facebook microsoft facebook. posb hsbc ocbc oub is all kate bank not your lee bank and your have account in there better pay interest or we reset your account. we want bank of amercian sponsor give all worker student 50000 vias master bonus open account add to their account home study work 50000credit bonus point loan plan 0tax 0interest owe 99yrs. sponsor company monthly pay taxi bus fire engine cleaner 50000usd. microsoft gov. kate queen.
An error occurred while saving the comment microsoft furbee commented
your people dont listen to the british gov why your lee lawyer listen to lee? go search lee he got 40hdb 750billion 1apartment. your posb manager not listening we ask you sign loan 750billion 99yrs. your posb manager is worker party working for microsoft gov. kate queen. if pap lawyer want paper work tell the lawyer go see worker party or search lee house 40bank hdb 750billion. tell lee lawyer you want worker party lawyer or pap lawyer can type report letter to microsoft facebook or search lee 40 licence 4dpools 40school why dont vote open bank school print $900billion cash card 1voucher topup cash card. next your people dont even listen to queen why your listen to your pap town council? ask your own hdb cpf singtel print their own money open their own bank finance home foreign minister find their own credit and home defend manpower ministry find their own money sgx why one only how about 40sgx your lee monopoly manipulate expolit west ask them go inside sgx sign contract owe money then tell people he think he is right and divident can make money so good why they owe? why you dont sponsor debt expenditure why you dont print why you dont sign 900trillion 1note? and why need goldbar why need licence open bank? lee say your should follow go inside sgx cannot any how print then you can anyhow loan 750billion for 40hdb 40 4dpools shop 40banks around the world. they got 900trillion lee problem? not lee bank department not his land is british. when lee sack the british gov british court room lower biritsh flag you got paper you got vote? your got queen permission ? you give queen 100000 can why dont you give her the bank print money? why you ask them loan money from the bank? why dont she open 40bank and lee loan from the bank? lee cannot print money loan 750$ for his pay and work inside community centre why he need to build hdb cause he fear the british take back right? why he go china sign contract say them take hongkong back? is british flag where got contract you follow which paper? japan paper right? then why dont follow japan paper still japan gov. tell your lee say japan yen strong 1yen 5000sgd they print their own money no need gold. and nathan why cannot print money vote 4times? why lee we vote 4time his block his choose? next lee sign 1brunei exchange 1sgd doesnt owe why dont sign 1usd 5000sgd? why lee can loan 750billion build 40building? your posb amk serangoon following usa policy not lee no need report lee lawyer you only want to see a west lawyer or worker party papers tell them report to microsoft facebook kate facebook. your own posb paper work 900billion loan pay usa debt singtel ntuc cpf home mindef manpower debt raise pay all worker 50000 1coin 1note 1voucher 1book withdraw voucher topup cash card. not happy can fine posb 900billion 99yrs. you can give lawyer 900billion cheque or voucher or you top up 900cards if they want or reset -900billion why report to lee lawyer you who? lee lawyer doesnt even have british papers or queen sign and lee lawyer owe money and want other country go into debt corruption wheres your british flag? lee can loan 750billion for 1hdb corruption fraud money laundry pocket money why your lee lawyer dont sue dont search lee house? posb manager can loan 750billion for hdb ntuc starhub bus taxi cleaner worker. lee can loan 750billion buy 75%singtel share topup bankbook. posb manager can loan 750billion buy cpf share topup bankbook. and your army kate never ask your report and your army people go in got people die also so why need to report? your lee law minister think its right to follow law then why he dont raise british flag back? lee law minister doesnt listen to queen british gov. if its rights to make west go into debt. and your lawyer support lee learn this lee from malaysia write own paper letter head open public law sch policy? how about isd? how about sdp get splash water everyday your support too? now microsoft isd we can go inside your house **** your people why you law minister dont help? why lee can loan 750billion why lee law minister dont loan 750m give india worker snice he thinks its right? why he dont set law loan owe 99yrs or loan topup 900cash card isit right? or set bank loan sponsor expenditure pay debt. why law minister lee lawyer dont think lee corruption ask west owe money sign contract go into sgx or sell their house to the bank? or buy house loan from bank? india made? ask company owe pay india worker? where the british flag and why he and your dont listen to queen? 2nd why lee can print birdplanehumanboat yusof blue orange green note why law minister president cannot print? microsoft gov. kate queen.
93rd ranked
An error occurred while saving the comment microsoft furbee commented
your sg lee sack british gov lower british flag queen got sign president got vote? your lee nblock give people 500000 for land give them paper leave location by date. your lee nblock give queen 100000 for land give them paper leave location by date.
your land they build apartment you buy house owe 500000. pay tax pay interest 500000. your army people work inside army die. kate got ask your people go army? so why need to report ? you dont even listen to the queen? army optional. your isd go into people house got sign? then why loan 750m need president sign? your people dont listen to the queen the british gov why your bank loan need to report to lee when lee gather 500 people wear whiteshirt open bank print bird plane human boat yusof orange blue red notes doesnt report to the bank? your bank print money need to report to lee? your bank loan money need to report to lee?
so why your lawyer sue say fraud? why your lawyer dont sue lee fraud? why cant your bank manager sign 900billion loan 99yrs 0tax 0interest isit fraud? 1 bankbook -900billion isit money fraud? so why your lawyer sue? when lee print birdplanehuman blue orange green note your lawyer got sue? your lawyer know how many notes? 900billion? dont know then why now bank loan 900billion your lawyer say fraud? not your lawyer department your lee and lawyer want to sue west department want them go into debt take their land build apartment ask west company owe money for the house for the company to sell make 1potatoe 1com earn 50cents? ask company loan money put inside sgx divdent make money? if divdend can make money why lee dont open 40sgx? why lee dont give school open 40company 40bank give sch kids $5000 hdb voucher? posb voucher? why dont give macdonalds print money topup cash card ezlink visa. car drive pass erp topup cash card 50000points? and sgx topup bankbook left type macdonald worker cleaner taxi bus driver 50000points? why west loan money need to report to lee lawyer for? why your lee dont sue the bank loan lee 750m 40hdb. lee sack british gov sack british court room raise own flag print own money. lee lawyer got sue give lee letter say fraud? lee got report to british gov ask kate sign when isd go sdp house? when lee loan 750m from bank build hdb. give india worker $750 law minister think right ? why dont loan 750m to law minister and give them each 1m? why your lee lawyer dont sue lee give lawyer paper lee loan 750m fraud? company ceo finance home defend manpower health sports ministry and minister loan 750m sgd own money for pay for business 1note 1cash card 1cheque 1voucher print own sgd money topup own cash card raise own flag manage posb money open 40posb open 40 4dpools in church school sack your lee and his lawyer need president sign? why your lee lawyer dont ask microsoft sign? lee never report how many gold bar they have sue lee they got 40 4dpools licence 40apartment 40company 40bank of amercian around the world. ask company loan money go into sgx. lee say all the money is there the dividend he thinks is right. loan money from their lee bank of amercian pay tax pay interest owe go inside wallstreet set shares price monopoly expoliting price fixing. sell 1com 1potatoe make 50cent owe 40000 for land for company for space 1sq feet 2730$ fill ura irs cpf gst psa acra paper waste time 40yrs work study 14yrs 2yrs army 2yrs reservist still owe home study loan 80000. cant give taxi driver 5000cpf can give wife apartment buy 25% citibank shares. why you sue the guy match fixing fine 200$ 0jail. you never sue lee match fixing ask president sign loan 750m for hdb. now can bank loan 750m to your cpib? cause we want to raise pay all worker student 50000point cpf book topup cash card. 4d irs community centre book 5000point 1month withdraw ntuc 7eleven posb nets voucher oub ocbc coin hdb dollar capitalland voucher. your lee loan 750m never ask queen sign. lee sack british gov money fraud. your detail clerk can sign so long owe 99yrs 900billion 0tax 0interest write on their posb bank paper. tell all your lawyer write letter sue microsoft facebook if you not happy with all your minister ceo bank manager and company director loan 750m for their pay. taxi bus smrt cleaner army nurse teacher india worker student raise pay 5000cpf 5000posb voucher montly. minister bank company sgx cpf singtel finance ministry sponosr. ask them bill microsoft head fbi cia nsa nasa home affairs manpower mindef airforce navy police cpib cmpb isd secret police secret service army radar internet radio tv 5 10 95 99 just tell all your lawyer stand down 0sue. if we think money fraud cpib go tell them reset all the bank account to 50000 or 900billion and bank manager can write new paper work owe 99yrs or 1mth pay debt 1000sgd or sell 2trillion contract can change like singtel mio tv plan pay your 5000sgd lawyer ask them sponsor sign bank loan company loan ministry loan 900billion pay worker and student 50000sgd monthly. microsoft gov. kate queen. -
93rd ranked
An error occurred while saving the comment microsoft furbee commented
your sg lee sack british gov lower british flag queen got sign president got vote? your lee nblock give people 500000 for land give them paper leave location by date. your lee nblock give queen 100000 for land give them paper leave location by date.
your land they build apartment you buy house owe 500000. pay tax pay interest 500000. your army people work inside army die. kate got ask your people go army? so why need to report ? you dont even listen to the queen? army optional. your isd go into people house got sign? then why loan 750m need president sign? your people dont listen to the queen the british gov why your bank loan need to report to lee when lee gather 500 people wear whiteshirt open bank print bird plane human boat yusof orange blue red notes doesnt report to the bank? your bank print money need to report to lee? your bank loan money need to report to lee?
so why your lawyer sue say fraud? why your lawyer dont sue lee fraud? why cant your bank manager sign 900billion loan 99yrs 0tax 0interest isit fraud? 1 bankbook -900billion isit money fraud? so why your lawyer sue? when lee print birdplanehuman blue orange green note your lawyer got sue? your lawyer know how many notes? 900billion? dont know then why now bank loan 900billion your lawyer say fraud? not your lawyer department your lee and lawyer want to sue west department want them go into debt take their land build apartment ask west company owe money for the house for the company to sell make 1potatoe 1com earn 50cents? ask company loan money put inside sgx divdent make money? if divdend can make money why lee dont open 40sgx? why lee dont give school open 40company 40bank give sch kids $5000 hdb voucher? posb voucher? why dont give macdonalds print money topup cash card ezlink visa. car drive pass erp topup cash card 50000points? and sgx topup bankbook left type macdonald worker cleaner taxi bus driver 50000points? why west loan money need to report to lee lawyer for? why your lee dont sue the bank loan lee 750m 40hdb. lee sack british gov sack british court room raise own flag print own money. lee lawyer got sue give lee letter say fraud? lee got report to british gov ask kate sign when isd go sdp house? when lee loan 750m from bank build hdb. give india worker $750 law minister think right ? why dont loan 750m to law minister and give them each 1m? why your lee lawyer dont sue lee give lawyer paper lee loan 750m fraud? company ceo finance home defend manpower health sports ministry and minister loan 750m sgd own money for pay for business 1note 1cash card 1cheque 1voucher print own sgd money topup own cash card raise own flag manage posb money open 40posb open 40 4dpools in church school sack your lee and his lawyer need president sign? why your lee lawyer dont ask microsoft sign? lee never report how many gold bar they have sue lee they got 40 4dpools licence 40apartment 40company 40bank of amercian around the world. ask company loan money go into sgx. lee say all the money is there the dividend he thinks is right. loan money from their lee bank of amercian pay tax pay interest owe go inside wallstreet set shares price monopoly expoliting price fixing. sell 1com 1potatoe make 50cent owe 40000 for land for company for space 1sq feet 2730$ fill ura irs cpf gst psa acra paper waste time 40yrs work study 14yrs 2yrs army 2yrs reservist still owe home study loan 80000. cant give taxi driver 5000cpf can give wife apartment buy 25% citibank shares. why you sue the guy match fixing fine 200$ 0jail. you never sue lee match fixing ask president sign loan 750m for hdb. now can bank loan 750m to your cpib? cause we want to raise pay all worker student 50000point cpf book topup cash card. 4d irs community centre book 5000point 1month withdraw ntuc 7eleven posb nets voucher oub ocbc coin hdb dollar capitalland voucher. your lee loan 750m never ask queen sign. lee sack british gov money fraud. your detail clerk can sign so long owe 99yrs 900billion 0tax 0interest write on their posb bank paper. tell all your lawyer write letter sue microsoft facebook if you not happy with all your minister ceo bank manager and company director loan 750m for their pay. taxi bus smrt cleaner army nurse teacher india worker student raise pay 5000cpf 5000posb voucher montly. minister bank company sgx cpf singtel finance ministry sponosr. ask them bill microsoft head fbi cia nsa nasa home affairs manpower mindef airforce navy police cpib cmpb isd secret police secret service army radar internet radio tv 5 10 95 99 just tell all your lawyer stand down 0sue. if we think money fraud cpib go tell them reset all the bank account to 50000 or 900billion and bank manager can write new paper work owe 99yrs or 1mth pay debt 1000sgd or sell 2trillion contract can change like singtel mio tv plan pay your 5000sgd lawyer ask them sponsor sign bank loan company loan ministry loan 900billion pay worker and student 50000sgd monthly. microsoft gov. kate queen. -
93rd ranked
microsoft furbee shared this idea ·
pm lee from singapore 1person independence got sack by malaysia gov. lee protest outside queen location fullterton hotel give her pap paper need to register for land and tell queen need to pay for land. build mas london tell queen help her print money but she need gold bar need to loan from bank need to owe money? i help lee print money lee no need work lee no need goldbar print 1note 900trillion. your bank can topup 1atm card $750billion dollar and he no need owe. when queen ask for money lee say you need goldbar licence to open bank. lee took 2min open 40bank with licence. queen need money give each worker 50000sgd 10000sgd
lee tell court room you need lawyer you need president sign vote then can loan 750billion dollar for 1hdb flat. how you get 40hdb flat? lee say he got vote. lee raise own flag sack british court room got tell queen you helping her print money? then what for lee help? we ask posb help print 900trillion 1note. help lee do business. say lee owe 900billion goldbar money. why no vote for 40bank 40sgx 40wallstreet 40hdb with licence 2min or bank of amercian open singapore inside 1school give each india worker $1m for building or worker add 5000cpf 5000posb dollar 1coin 1card? lee sign 1brunei 1sgd right why dont send 1yen 1000sgd lee say yen no value. who say ? why dont lee price 1gold bar print 900billion 1note topup posb book credit bonus. why dont mall school office camp coffeeshop reception open bank give out 5000 atm card 5000 nets voucher 3mth. why dont sign 1usd print 900trillion 1sgd 1note? tell your police army airforce report to microsoft facebook. summon microsoft furbee on your radar air sea land map phonebook radio 95 96 97 tv 5 10 hbo cartoon network asiaone newasisa cctv speaker train airport tower building army airforce navy home affairs manpower mindef bp ntuc singtel ***** chase ceo management change webpage 10owner 10bankmanager raise pay. you all worker party working for usa congress join nsa nasa fire safety. kate queen nsa department 22cars ambulance gurkah cisco tp lta police airforce army navy civil defend sbs smrt singtel find kidnap missing fire smoke knife ****. logbook write duty petrol fire excise duty detail clerk sign if break down say you go coffeesop toilet. say you drive car engine smoke park coffeeshop test if working. officer any question can report to manpower home defend sports finance minister or find microsoft. sch kids downstairs hdb give info location if feel unsafe fighting smoke lightning kidnap rob. coffeshop your new base. stop beer bottle man beat girl hit face 14stitches. im microsoft cia if you see me pretend you dont know me no search no arrrest walk away drive pass me. microsoft gov. kate queen.
microsoft company building fbi webpage sponsors
kate queen
microsoft gov