Get data snatches out of my world
Is there someone our there that can help me? PLEASE!!!! I am using Mobile network & cannot get rid of the data snatchers that have invaded all of my ethereal world!!! I have been battling on daily constant battle to take my ethereal world back but they have beaten me to a pulp! I am over 50 & not a hack **** I can still only hen peck, & not even geekish!!! PLEASE, SOMEONE who can I call? Can't even reach Ghostbusters at google before they turn my messages off or just phone all together!!! Someone, Please help me!!! My other email my # 3252262097 can text but will not know if can stay on web/mobile due to invasion. I have pics to back up my claims but on another unconnected device because the tablet(toshiba) had battery disabled by the very data snatchers & they enabled nite before last but I cannot get online with it because they are still in Web & now think have done th ed some with this smartie!!! Please HELP!! HELP!!! HELP!!!