job figure accuracy
We hear a great deal from the government on how many jobs are created each month ... but from the viewpoint of one who regularly looks through the Jobsearch (and other jobsites) lists, the numbers just simply don't add up!! You can look through the first 100 jobs in your search list and can be guaranteed to find many duplications of the SAME JOB within those 100!! The Jobsearch site will tell you they're listing 560 (e.g.) jobs for your search ... but clearly, if many of those are duplicated, then those figures are obviously WRONG or MISLEADING!! You can also easily recognise the SAME JOB advertised on the same website (e.g. Seek) under several different headings ... but once you're inside the ads its clearly the same job!! I think it would be really interesting for Kochie to investigate the sources of the figures the government is quoting and see just how accurate (or moreso INACCURATE) they might be??