Can't find Piano Studio of Alita Lake on a map.
Music instruction.
Piano Studio of Alita Lake is not on your map, Yahoo. Basing your rating system on Yelp is not a way to go. Yelp is nothing but a money extortion machine. As long as you pay for ads, they will treat you well, if you stop - you are in real troubles. I have many of my long term students ( 8-10 years ) wrote reviews, but they are parading review of some woman who did not pay for lessons and lasted for 4 weeks. Based on it my rating is 3,5 and and all positive reviews goes to hidden mode. Yelp actually told me :" Buy our ads, we will take care of your negative review". " What do you mean? How? " - I asked. " We have our ways" - was the answer. I have been in business 30+ years.
Your own Yahoo Yellow Pages was great! Please, bring it back without Yelp. No one needs Yelp. Yelp is not about neutral reviews.