hate the new mail, to many ads in mixed in my mail can not find emails from my son's doctors want the old way back
hate the new mail, to many ads in mixed in my mail can not find emails from my son's doctors want the old way back

jfj parke commented
Let me 'see if I've properly de-ciphered this matter - You, Yahoo, stick ads in the middle of our Inbox, amongst matters we've chosen to NOT Delete and then offer us some sortta 'relief', UPGRADING - possibly for a fee as I've NOT checked it out - UP YOURS - jfj - P.S. This AM I lost a letter I was working on as it did NOT get to Drafts & finally stumbled up on it - Don't know how or even how to get back there - W-T-F???? -
jfj parke commented
Let's see a vote of how many folks just Love the New Yahoo - Okay, now lets see how many want their old Classic Yahoo back - Yahoo, are you watching this???
Julie commented
Agreed, it is not right to have ads appear like email. Also, ads should not be down in your list of emails.
Anonymous commented
Definitely agree - give us back the old format - do not like the adds mixed in with the other emails. This is reason to leave yahoo mail.
cw commented
My e-mail was switched without advance warning or consent.
New format is confusing and seems to slow my laptop down.
I don't need fancy colors for my page. I need to be able to
quickly read my messages.
Please let me change back to classic e-mail. -
Anonymous commented
New format is horrible, want the old format and didn't chose for switch...what gives?
Anonymous commented
Trying to get back to old format, don't like this...
nonya commented
YAHOO... Have YOU had YOUR "F u c k Y o u!" Today??
Because you have certainly given me MINE by forcing my e-mail over to this new f'ing format you are pushing down our throats!!GIVE US THE OPTION TO SWITCH BACK TO THE CLASSIC VIEW!!!
Anonymous commented
Hate this new email, why don't you leave things alone? Very unhappy with you shoving things down our throats that we don't want.
Phyllis Turk commented
Ads mixed in with emails - you've reached a new low.
Dorothy commented
Beth S commented
Nobody wants this. Word has it the change is all about a new system that makes monitoring people's emails easier. If it's true, we are out of here. If it isn't true, prove it by keeping the basic option. THIS IS NOT BETTER, IT IS WORSE.
do not like the new email ,,,please remove
Anonymous commented
Instead of the 'antique' form now today(5/29/19). what's wrong with just the previous layout...??? so much easier and concise.
d33vah jonez commented
And I find it difficult to read, as well. One reason I have never wanted the 'new' format. And bring back Messenger! We all have literally lost touch with individuals because of this.
Eddie Jackson commented
do not like the new email ,,,please remove
David Symansky commented
New Format is awful. Can't even switch to Basic
Shirleen Whitehill commented
Shirleen Whitehill commented
I HATE THE NEW SET UP...IT ...SUCKS.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!@@!
Jean Brown commented
Please get the ads out of my inbox list and also off the right side of my screen, the continual flashing is going to cause a seizure