How to figure out a Paid Russiablican Troll.
There a so many Paid Russiablican Trolls in Yahoo and just 1 person has multiple accounts...
I have noticed these Paid Russiablican Trolls like to use Trump the Chumps Trigger Words of the day...
Those Paid Russiablican Trolls will come in and make posts claiming different things like Yahoo shut off comments to stop Conservative views,,, As if Dem comments are still allowed...
Then they will say Biased all the time or say Liberal Media non stop...
If you pay close attention you will start to notice it for yourselves...
They will continuously use Trump the Chumps Trigger Words over and over like Collusion... Its a Hoax... Witch Hunt... Alternative Facts which later changed to Fake News which is now Biased Media...
Its my guess that out of these 1,000s of ideas here that have to do with Trump the Chump and the media the majority are Paid Russiablican Trolls around 90% at least...
They think they are so smart thinking if they put an American name that we will believe their Lies...
To all the Paid Russiablican Trolls give it up you have done lost Trump the Chump is gone next year and Biden is in...