Stop Featuring Donald Trump. This is how he got elected - free publicity. He's no longer president. Let us all move on.
The number of Trump related articles, and especially IMAGES of Donald Trump on Yahoo has always been excessive, but Yahoo is continuing to feature more news on Trump than on our current president, Joe Biden. Why weren't the actions of Twitter, Instagram, and other platforms enough of a signal to Yahoo, that it is time to STOP using your platform to give this man free publicity?? Clicks are not the only metric to determine whether you run something on your service. PUBLIC GOOD has to factor in - if Yahoo has no interest in what is best for the public good, why should we continue to use Yahoo? If the level of publicity you give Trump continues at this level, I WILL, AFTER MORE THAN 20 years, be closing my Yahoo account, and moving on to Gmail. Please lighten up on the Trump features.