quit with the liberal bias.
you ban trump and parler, but let iran and others who want to cause great harm to us voice whatever they want. i bet you are the same. you all should be in jail.

Steven Kibort commented
Want a filter that blocks anything related to him. You have options for filtering and blocking *********** but would rather see that that Trump related content
Carole Duffy commented
The political writing gets old with the same biased views over and over in each political piece. I would rather just the facts and I will form my own opinion. If not, I am contemplating switching to goggle for my news feeds.
Carole Duffy commented
I have given lots of thoughts of switching to goggle because of your political writers- way to biased
a murphy commented
What is the point of paying a subscription fee if I cannot manage my account? I am getting daily emails from the Trump machine which do not contain unsubscribe links and are apparently not blockable in my settings. Why do you require entire domains to be blocked rather than individual addresses? Why can’t I block emails that contain the words Trump and offers. If you can’t permit the subscriber to have any say over the account, and you refuse to screen better, why are you charging a subscription fee? There seems to be a way of blocking **** from my inbox, why not Trump? When I am ready to welcome fascists into my world, I will sign up for Meta and X. Do better!
mark haney commented
Stop forcing us on Leftest propaganda news feeds... Be equal... If you are proving a news service... Then it should be 100% equal and it's not.. If you can't proved that at least let us Choose are feeds..
jerry l raymor commented
i don't want YOUR selection of news ....i will quit this new
mac alberto commented
This proves bias. Which is no surprise on failing yahoo
mac alberto commented
How is it ok to post? maga = traitor but I can’t post democrats are traitors to the family
Symeon Marshall commented
I'm talking to you Yahoo
Symeon Marshall commented
Delete yourself from Yahoo.. Join x
W King commented
Either turn on AI and use it in a neutral non biased environment or quit taking sides and just report subjects that elicit neutral responses
Larry Glick commented
Please tell me how to remove this radical news filled with Hate!
Gary Davis commented
Only low-information, some young, and leftist loonies don't see through the content you select to post on this page. If I didn't have a legacy email, I would change it to another service in a minute.
Judi McArthur commented
Please report just the news, not your opinion of it or the far-left media's opinion of the news.
Judi McArthur commented
I use to enjoy the Yahoo Homepage for news, etc. Now it's nothing but liberal, biased info based on the liberal media slanted views. Sad..
Zero the hero Zero commented
Yahoo is using the term hate speech , and inflammatory use of words When in fact it's pure truth , and factual info Yet Yahoo will censor you . I think the bleeding heart children (20 to 30 somethings)they have censoring EVERYTHING . That's what is going to drive the nails in yahoos coffin . Yahoo started out strong , now they are just as woke , and useless as all the rest . If yahoo wants to stand out Let people post the truth in comments and STOP censoring the facts. Yahoo facts are biased as the moderators,and unless the news they post is about a professional liar A. K A. a actor .Then they don't bother When did yahoo become the digital national enquirer . Yahoo is a joke these days , they censor truth and facts under the guise of safety .. Yahoo used to be a decent place to get info Now all that info is about entertainment liars , and fake flakes . Which yahoo is ran by these days . FLAKES , AND FAKES . is what yahoo represents now ... These are tactics yahoo learned in China .
Teresa OBrien commented
If my last comment isn't posted it just goes to prove everything I said about your news outlets is true.
Teresa OBrien commented
It's really sickening how the news outlets try to sway the public's opinion. For a change try playing fair. I don't know what Yahoo stands to gain from their biased reporting.
Teresa OBrien commented
Stop being so biased in your news reporting, where do you think brown nosing the Democrats is going to get you? Like President Trump said to one of your 'reporters," " nobody knows you," why don't you try being fair in your reports & maybe one day someone will know who you are.
Joel Stephens commented
Yahoo is Pro Dem. Yahoo should be on no side, just report. This is sick and not what news is.