Yahoo is a big disappointment
Dear Yahoo,
how is possible to publish such an article?
If You Are Not Taking COVID-19 Seriously At This Point, I’ve Got A Strong Message For You
Wendy Wisner
Its disgusting, from the picture to the language. The author, Wendy Wisner, is definitely showing signs of "asymptomatic intelligence".
Not mentioning the extremely vulgar language, the content of her rant is totally a declaration of "how i was brain washed by media".
Shame on her and shame on you, Yahoo, that you published such an.... i can't call it article, so i will call it ****.
Also, please let as reply and comment to the posts or articles.
All this "Our goal is to create a safe and engaging place for users to connect over interests and passions. In order to improve our community experience, we are temporarily suspending article commenting." is just pure and simple unfair. its not engaging at all and is hurting people connecting and exchanging ideas. You are suspending the freedom of speech and definitely send a message that you don't care about readers opinion. lately Yahoo doesn't care about the readers. we are supposed to swallow and accept everything whats publisher, without the right to answer.