Why would we be worried about 1MILLION kids being infected by this virus when we
can watch a mentally unstable president pout and scam MILLIONs more
from the citizens of this country. THIS has no shame and deserves to me
in jail or at least fined so much that he will have to file for his social security and try and get Medicaid too. I;m sure that Rush Limbaugh will
put him up his mansion unless after he is stripped of everything the smell
might not be pleasant for Rush anymore. Rush hates losers more than Trump does. Too bad Trump, the inn has closed down to you and I do
believe your next stop will be assisted living BUT wait, daughter and
company brings in the big bucks so I bet she will set you up with a
nice little bedroom right next to your grandkiddies - do you remember
their names? You can share a bathroom and I bet Ivanka would put
one of those new toilets in that flush everything into the swamp so stay away when the big flushes occur.