Stop doing articles on things that average people in the U.S. cant afford.
I love my plants. I am by NO means a master gardner but, gently coaxing a tissue culture into a mature plant has become VERY satisfying.
With winter coming, and my living in Michigan, I've been preparing for the absence of natural sunlight. So, imagine if you will, my excitement upon seeing the headline of this article.
And THEN, I had to stop and look to see if this was really on MY Google feed or if I had stumbled onto a SkyMall page.
The people that CAN afford those lights? Know about those lights. Already have those lights.
Unfortunately, even with making the most money I ever have in my life, I cannot justify spending money on those lights.
While I know none of us can rely upon the corporate elite and their shareholders, I was hoping that perhaps the press would be for the people.
I know this is a fluff piece. But you could have done a fluff piece on how easy is it to achieve this PAR with THESE lights that aren't the same amount t as half of your dentist visit.
You have a new target audience and you don't even know it. We're coming into financial winter and that NEVER bodes well for the elite.
Maybe start looking into writing articles on products that are somewhat attainable. Instead of promoting the dangling carrot.
Do better