Grow food in cold north through winter
I enjoy your content very much. Would you consider e-visiting our Datacenter Greenhouse in rural Washington, USA? We have a greenhouse heated by a data center to grow food through the extended winter at 2,000 feet above sea level. The data center is making the heat available for free to our nonprofit because the founders of the company are naturalized citizens from countries where they’ve seen poverty and children going hungry.
This is the second most economically depressed county in Washington State and we keep losing our large employers, making the situation worse. The county has less than 13,000 residents and is 71 miles long. Some of us have to drive over two hours one way for fresh produce. This project is a proof of concept, process, and people to grow the food, sell locally and help our food banks in the area, all while reducing environmental impact of the typical transportation costs, commute costs, packaging, and more.
We’re also including an education element of microcredentials, valid in 12 states. We’re going to foster businesses in food distribution and dial this in for families to be able to do it for themselves with maybe two computers for a family-sized greenhouse.
We call our first greenhouse which is up and running the Seedling Greenhouse. Yes, the puns run deep with this project!