separate language & location: 'locale' & 'regional preferences' WWW standards
WWW standards include 'locale: language' & 'regional preferences: local state/country,' different for dozens/hundreds millions people. I need my locale proper (British Isles) English (en-UK) locale but regional preferences USA (en-US, when I select my dialect, I'm redirected to, which I only want sometimes checking UK news (if I have time after or visiting. Before Spanish became second official language in USA you probably redirected Spanish speakers to Now they can use es-US locale (but might prefer other dialects) but I can't use en-GB. Fix internationally first: allow locale for interface (, emails Yahoo sends, etc.,) 'regional preferences' if people want local news. Below I see dozens problems people can't even use language they understand, and I also speak American English but just don't want it as interface, and I know/learn other languages and plan to travel but will also want & and to access my account & emails (in both cases) w/en-UK. There are actually at least seven types of internationalization & regional preferences variables in WWW standards.