Too much Fox News on Homepage
There is too much Fox News on home page. They are not a legitimate news organization and they have admitted lying to their viewers. Yahoo should not be publishing lies on their home page.

Trigger Warning commented
And what is a legitimate news organization to you? They're all shills, every single one of them pushes the narrative of whoever pays them the most. I just want actual news, actual real news. You are more likely to get vetted news from a independent on their own social media than you are the mainstream. Like did you know it's illegal to be a Christian in the Middle East. They are being slaughtered right now legitimately slaughtered, did you hear that from your legitimate news organization? Or are you still hearing how Trump is the big bad wolf, cuz, you know the world's huge and there's a lot more going on in it what about Representative ilhan Omar, she married her brother so he could be a citizen of the US. What real news have you got in the past decade that wasn't pushing some narrative on you? honestly? Everybody's just pushing their own narratives they don't give a s*** about bringing you news they only care about what they can sell you and just like black Friday, it's a fire sale & everybody's buying it. P.S. Edit Did you hear how now that they got a war going on with Hamas they don't need the Ukrainian war no more, so that pretty much ended overnight they told Zalinsky's got to go and make a deal & give up Crimea, the Dunboss, pretty much Russia is going to get everything they wanted. And the Nordstream pipeline how it was a special operations soldier for Ukraine that masterminded the whole thing him and his team of six. They rented a sailboat with false ID's and did the deed but the thing is they only jailed that guy Where's the team of six?