If my impostor has been put in check, then say let's *********. I found where my domain was created in 1993 . It's time!
I have endured alot,i've done alot of reading ,looking ,and conplaining. But i just wanted the impostor removed and be included in what was happing to me .Instead ,i have been hacked ,sold, as well as blocked from all access after what appeared as clonning . In return , i been ask to leave platforms for things done that were not me . Left o clean up breeches that had no idea had happenedor where they were caused . So ,i done my best to inform those i could for best interest of us all .
I look forward to things to come, for betterment for everyone . And thanks to all for your hard work .
Regina Kay Cole commented
As i said before, so kuch has been done, i have no idea where to start . So contact me, intorduce me to what i have to work with ,what is still needed if anything . I am an understanding person ,not that hard to work with . And i believe we need each other to make things right . But not the impostor, that am not willing to do