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76 results found

  1. My Portfolios view shows portfolio values change to USD after auto-refresh

    My Portfolios view shows total portfolios value change to USD after auto-refresh.

    My default currency is AUD but have one portfolio in USD. When in view showing all portfolios (My Portfolios) the total value is displayed in AUD (good) and then after auto refresh it changes to USD (bad). It would be best if it stayed in the default currency selected.

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  2. Make it so my portfolios load.

    Make my portfolios load like they used to please

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  3. Do you ever take any notice of the feedback you get?

    Do you ever take any notice of the feedback you get?

    I suspect that you have an app which diverts it straight into your rubbish bin, unread!

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  4. Portfolio currency mismatch

    The portfolio total sometimes shows in US dollars despite my individual portfolios being in Australian dollars, which make the total meaningless. Please ensure consistency of currencies or at least allow me to pick which currency I can show my total in. Thanks.

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  5. Autoplay


    This is ******* annoying to everyone who comes to your site only to be BLASTED with ******* sound.

    Also why is putting in a suggestion say "How can we improve Yahoo Finance?" when I was not even on the finance page?

    Hire some web designers who are not hipster wannabe's but people who will actually try to use the site like everyone else.

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  6. Why has "" stop working entirely or is exceptionally slow to the point of being useless? has stopped working in the past week. I have tried different browsers without effect. I seems to be problem at the server end. Is there a reason for this?

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  7. Correct market capitalizations are important.

    Incannex IXHL is nowhere near the $US6.2 billion cited.
    It is much more like $US60 million.
    It would be good if Yahoo Finance was able to provide the correct market capitalizations of companies

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  8. on the Historical Data page the data CSV download button has gone missing

    This was very handy saved copy and paste all the time.

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  9. company profile

    Why for last few days company profile information is missing from all ASX stocks ! Please reinstate this information as it provides important brief summary of the compnay.

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  10. CBAPH.AX is not allowed as a share code, but you do list it as being similar to the allowed CBAPC.AX. Fix this.

    CBAPH.AX is not allowed as a share code, but you do list it as being similar to the allowed CBAPC.AX. Fix this.

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  11. In portfolio 2, creating multiple 'buy' transactions not possible. No more than 2 transactions accepted

    Add multiple transactions for an equity and show the aggregate value.

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  12. please add REIT:ASX to the list of ETF's in Yahoo

    Please add REIT:ASX & APA:ASX to the list in Yahoo finance.

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  14. Yahoo Finance Stock Latest Price Banner has incorrect Date /Time

    I am looking at at 6:09 AM Tuesday, 24 May 2022 AEST
    The latest price shown is 4.1100+0.4300 (+11.68%)
    At close: 20 May 04:10PM AEST
    This is the closing price from the penultimate trading day. Not the latest Trading Day.

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  15. Currency inconsistent

    The Income Statement and Balance Sheet for FMG.AX has a headline says "Currency in USD" but the data has a mixture of AUD and USD. For example, the Total Assets for 2021 (28,383,000) is USD'000 which is correct but the figure in 2020 (34,052,279) is incorrect according to the annual report (should be 23,398 US$m). This is also happening on many other companies which are listed on ASX but reporting in foreign currencies. Please keep all figures in same currency as stated on the headline.

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  17. Yahoo Finance stock history of and others is/are missing

    Historical data for 3 September missing. See PNV.AX.

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  19. Unwanted double portfilio spacing

    Perhaps you've unwittingly coded "Enter" after listing each company's Symbol?-

    Maybe checking this would make the watch-lists usable again?

    Anyhow, don't worry - after using Yahoo portfolios for many years, I've wasted far too much time waiting to sort this out and have gone elsewhere.

    After wasting many hours trying to overcome

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  20. The new portfolio incorrectly shows the total value of ALL portfolios insted of only the total for each portfolio that we are working on

    The new portfolio incorrectly shows the total value of ALL portfolios insted of only the total for each portfolio that we are working on. This is grossly incorrect, nor is of any use. Please only show "total, gain, etc for the portfolio that is open at that moment. Thank you.

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