Portfolio currency mismatch
The portfolio total sometimes shows in US dollars despite my individual portfolios being in Australian dollars, which make the total meaningless. Please ensure consistency of currencies or at least allow me to pick which currency I can show my total in. Thanks.
Anonymous commented
I am so frustrated too with exactly this problem. I want the total of all portfolios to be in AUD, not USD. A year or two back the total was always in AUD. Now it flips to USD after a few seconds and that is so frustrating. I have no USD portfolios and have no interest in their total value in USD. Please tell me how to change this.
John Macey commented
Users really are a bloody nuisance!
Always complaining about well-considered improvements
Life would be so much simpler and easier without them
John Macey commented
Good luck getting that fixed by Yahoo - They are not interested!
The website operates entirely to their satisfaction.
So why take any notice of what users say?
Anonymous commented
Having the same problem was showing in USD when should be AUD now it is flipping back and forth between them AAAAAAAH!!!!!!!
Gary commented
Update: I found that if I refreshed the portfolio screen that the currency would change back to $AUD but as of the last few days even that doesn't change in from USD, ie. it is getting worse.
Anonymous commented
I have the same problem. It used to display AUS$ and now displays US$
Anonymous commented
Same problem here. My individual portfolios show in A$ but the My portfolio total now always shows USD. Web version only.
Please fix.
Anonymous commented
Same problem since last week. Portfolios are all shown in AUD but the total at the top is USD - just appeared, & no apparent way to fix it via settings of any sort
Anonymous commented
I have the same problem. and the display seems to fluctuate between $value, USDvalue, and AUDvalue. I have no idea how to get it back to AUD. Surely there should be a setting somewhere that sets the preferred currency?