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28 results found

  1. How can I return to my portfolio monitoring? The format has been changed and I cannot manage to obtain the information that i used to have

    I am completely flummoxed with the sudden change to my portfolio.
    The areas that I want to monitor are no longer available....
    How can I establish a system that will allow me to monitor my portfolio which has been very wonderful until now. The new system that has been installed recently does not give me the coverage that i require and until now I was completely satisfied.

    Please help me to restore the system that I had until the change.
    Thank you
    Steve Jesienowski

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  2. Have you tried to scroll the table of stock quotes right to see more columns?

    If you do, you will find that the screen design is really stupid.

    Put the table of stock quotes inside a frame so I can scroll the table left and right without having to scroll all the way down to the end of the table to find the horizontal scrollbar, scroll it and then scroll up again to see the columns on the right that cannot fit into the width of the window..

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  3. charting function available all the time

    charting function available all the time

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  4. top menu watchlist

    at the top of the page there is a navigation menu
    Cost Of Living, Watchlists, My Portfolio, etc
    but the "watchlists" is different from "my portfolio->my watchlists"
    why? it is so confusing.
    i expected to click watchlist and it goes to my watchlist

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  5. Heading/Title/Sub ttle should be stay as a Heading/Title/Sub title. Symbol Status Shares Last price Average cost/share Total cost Mark

    Heading/Title/Sub title should stay as a Heading/Title/Sub title.




    Last price

    Average cost/share

    Total cost

    Market value

    Total dividend income

    Today’s gain (unrealised)

    Total gain (unrealised)

    Total return

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  6. Heading/Title/Sub ttle should be stay as a Heading/Title/Sub title. Symbol Status Shares Last price Average cost/share Total cost Mark

    Heading/Title/Sub title should stay as a Heading/Title/Sub title.




    Last price

    Average cost/share

    Total cost

    Market value

    Total dividend income

    Today’s gain (unrealised)

    Total gain (unrealised)

    Total return

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  7. The alert icon (bell) is no visible any more, please make it available

    The alert icon (bell) is no visible any more, please make it available.

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  9. i was once able to download daily movement in csv format for easy analysis, but it seems I can't do that anymore. do you still have that fun

    Pleased let me know if i can download data in csv format. it was once possible. it was an analysis dream.

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  10. Restore "my portfolio stock name+price" back to WYSIWYG as it was 3/4 yrs ago. The latest "improvement" makes it practically useles

    for the past several years
    "AAPL 152.74"
    copies and pastes as
    [tab] [tab] 152.74" and I need to re-format it in my spreadsheet.

    Today it copies and pastes as
    "select AAPLAAPL
    [tab] [tab] 152.74"

    That's unacceptable.
    If you don't fix it PBQ....I'm off to another data source

    A pity. Yahoo was a good site for many years for finacial data features
    ... But, enough is enough!.

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  11. How do i edit my Yahoo finance share portfolios to add another parcel of shares for a stock

    Hi, how do I edit an existing potfolio to add another parcel of shares for a stock that is already in the portfolio, so i can track the different parcels for Capital Gains (losses) purposes.

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  13. Stock screener is not found even if i've logged in to yahoo!

    I can never find the screener feature unless I specifically google for it.

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  14. Make the stock screener visible

    I can never find the stock screener when I want to use it. Usually it takes 5 minutes to find. Today, I just cant find it at all and I don't think its a "problem exists between computer and chair" issue. Why can't the stock screener be made more accessible, visible and easy to locate?
    Frustrated from Oman

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  15. The ability to see comments after posting one has been removed unless I sign out?

    It sounds super juicy and a lot like what I went through and what happened to me over the holidays! Epic!! They removed me from the comments section though ;(

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  16. download button is missing from the historical data page for the All Ordinaries and the ASX200

    When on the Historical Data page for All Ordinaries and ASX200 on Yahoo Finance, the Download button has disappeared. It appears for other asset pricing, such as AUD/USD, Gold or Oil.

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  17. Ability to change the Index my portfolio is judged against

    Why is there no ability to compare my portfolio against an Australian index being they are Australian stocks. At the moment my Aussie portfolio is compared against a US index

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  18. APT.AX not available under the "Technology" page

    Hi Yahoo, APT.AX is shown as "Sector(s) : Technology" under its Profile page, however it does not show up in the "Indistries --> Technology" page, is there any way to bring up the list of all of the Technology shares ? Thanking in advance

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  19. As a significant shareholder in a Australian, ASX listed co. I would like to encourage them to post their PRs on Yahoo Finance Australia

    Can you please provide me the information on what as ASX listed company needs to do in order to have their press releases posted on Yahoo Finance Australia so that I, as a major shareholder, can pass this information on to them?

    Thank You.

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