You cannot get to groups easily
It is too difficult to get to yahoo groups.

David Rutledge commented
Amazing how everybody has the same issues. No wonder why yahoo is dying a slow death. Just pull the plug and get it over with.
Anonymous commented
I just wished that they would not have mms .that block s my message s to get to my girlfriend who lives in Nigerai
Anonymous commented
I would like you to please. Take mms off so I can send messages to my girlfriend who lives in Nigerai
Anonymous commented help me out all the times,I don't have any bad things to say about them. They be there for me.
Anonymous commented
so what can I do about my password I hate to have to put it in for every thing and they say it is rong
Anonymous commented
Just like to thank BT & Yahoo for managing to bollox things up completely between them, tossers
Anonymous commented
I agree totally. Can't log in and no easy access to Yahoo Groups. I want to check my group's daily updates. This is ridiculous! You need to redesign this app or add new one, or both.
Anonymous commented
This app is terrible. Sign in 800 times and never did get to check emails. Not even sure where to check emails. Not set up good at all
Brendamcbride100 commented
I feel the same way
Anonymous commented
Same here, come on yahoo do something about it and fix the problem
Anonymous commented
I totally agree I have to keep signing in also it's. Stupid and it's time consuming...
Anonymous commented
Yes indeed! I am deleting the app because of this. What a pain.
Anita Brown commented
Why I can't android plug In HOMEGROUP