New homepage impossible to deal with!!
when u scan the news stories for a min then decide that U want to view a particular story further and do so, when U go back everything has changed and U can't find the stories that were there before that is TOTALLY frustrating! Also I have written here about the weather page locking up my computer since the day after U changed. it is still happening every time I click it at the top of the page and I get in, my screen freezes and I have to go out of yahoo completely to get back to the home page. I can do nothing in the weather page!! Is anyone else experiencing this problem?? what is going on it has been long enough now to iron out that bug don't U think???? Or are your people viewing this page at all??!! If U are nothing is changing from the comments placed here?? Yahoo has been my home page for over ten yrs now BUT I like other people commenting here am getting ready to jump ship If you can't listen to your readers and viewers and u can't fix your problems it is time to move. maybe You just don't care about losing clients but I'm sure your advertisers will when they find they are no longer reaching the same audience. Please respond to some of us even if u do it on here at least give us some feedback like U ask us to do, show us some respect at least and even if u don't accept our suggestions at least fix your problems with the page!!!