I wish to inform you that recently,Please igno scam message instructed you to cancel my yahoo account.Could you kindly deleted the scam.
Dear Sir/Madam,
I have opened my Yahoo Account since year 2004. Since the day I have opened my YAHOO Account, I have never request to cancel my YAHOO Account. I have used YAHOO Account happily. Please send notification to inform if there is any request of cancellation of my YAHOO Account. Thank you very much.
I wish to inform you that recently,Please igno scam message instructed you to cancel my yahoo account.Could you kindly cancel the request from the scam of cancel my YAHOO Account and deleted the scam accordingly. Block the scam from disturb myYAHOO account. Please notify me before any action to cancel my YAHOO Account.
I dear not reply the request for cancellation of my YAHOO Account of the scam email. So I send this feedback to you for help and my YAHOO Account safety.
Your kind attention, cooperation and early action looking forward into this matter will be most appreciated.
Thank you.
Best regards,