blocking a topic has to improve - take the facebook model
how many times to i need to delete miley cyrus articles before you literally never show them to me again? come on. this isn't like me deleting articles on california and you still showing me important california news like a big fire. this is just ******** entertainment nonsense. i, a grown-up, choose to never see a miley cyrus article for as long as i live and promise not to sue you if i ever miss out because of that (unlikely). what are you doing at this point? nothing at all? are you shoing me 30 miley articles a day instead of 40 because of my preferences? wow, nice job. maybe you can do this like facebook. i can block a former friend and they become completely invisible to me. we should have that choice. i'm certain there's a demand for this.

Anonymous commented
They will NEVER cut the items you select as "Fewer like this". They will continue to shove Cyrus, the Kardashians, Snooki, Charlie Sheen, and every other piece of Hollywood trash in your face until you wear out your mouse button clicking on the "X".
Oh, they may send you an email telling you to go to your profile and select "Content Preferences" then select the items you don't want to see, but that does no good. I have 1,000 items in my "dislike" list that include everything normally shown in OMG, Shine, the Wrap, TV Line, plus every sport except golf, and it does no good. I've complained several times and again this morning when I came into my home page, 80% of the articles were about soccer, a Kardashian, celebrities, arts & entertainment, the A-list, DWTS, the Voice, etc, etc, etc...and they are ALL on my "dislike" list.