I am extremely unhappy with the new format.
Videos and ads that run along the right hand side of the homepage start playing at the slightest move of the cursor. Often more than one plays at the same time! Fix it please. I am going to have to look for a new homepage because this makes Yahoo unusable.

J Slowe commented
I have already migrated My Portfolio away and found an alternative to the old My Yahoo home page that I can construct around my interests.
The idea that it is good to restrict customer choice is really the tail wagging the dog. You lost me, a 25 year user.
I have yet to see 1 positive comment about the new format so am stagged you are persisting with it.
William J Stanlonis commented
The My Yahoo home page was customized to my personal preferences. The new home page gives me nothing I'm interested in. When I get up in the AM, I want to see my local sports team scores, the latest headlines from my selected sources. The stocks I had in my portfolio. The new format is awful and gives me nothing I am looking for. I have already changed my home page on my work computer from Yahoo and now I will be changing my personal computer. I believe Yahoo severely misjudged its users in this case by forcing a useless homepage down our throats.
skepticalthinker commented
MyYahoo offered the ability to save bookmarks and relevant news feeds. Widgets/modules included email preview, calendar, weather for cities we selected. While it wasn't the most important option, we could choose between different layouts and backgrounds. An "new" myYahoo should include those functionalities. Right now, it's just another generic news page.
Pat Young commented
I agree
Ron Yake commented
The new Yahoo homepage ******* sucks!
Dale Estes commented
Let us users taylor our homepages to fit our needs like we had before! All you offer now is news news news. Then the need to navigate to other stuff we like for instance finance.
myles cooley commented
New layout of website is terrible
skepticalthinker commented
A new Yahoo.com is NOT a new MyYahoo. A new MyYahoo should be customizable with bookmarks, RSS feeds, and (above all) EMAIL PREVIEW.
Craig Crowder commented
Why, yahoo, would you do something so stupid as removing My.Yahoo.
At minimum, Yahoo, put it back up with a LONG deadline for deleting it. If you don't want my patronage, I'll go somewhere else but I need my old page up in the mean time.
Alberta M. Pizzolato commented
I would pay to go ad-free on the old MyYahoo page
duffy dennis commented
That's because it is spam
Ryan Testa commented
I do not like the new set up of the whole Yahoo page, now. It was great the way it was. It is just a bunch of **** now. Why you had to go and change it in the first place, I don't know. But I think it was one of the worst mistakes this company has made in a long time. Just please put it back the way it was.
. . commented
Sirs ~
'Just because you can' is not a reason to throw away something useful and familiar. Please return Yahoo Home Page to previous format. Thank you. -
N Unyabidness commented
Never fix the problems, just paste a new design on it with new broken features...
Randy Langer commented
What we're you thinking? What were you smoking, sniffing, drinking, etc when you made this ridiculous asinine decision to change the home page for the current mess it is?
As other's have said, I'm ready to leave, been a Yahoo fan since the late 1990's, but this...... This mess you have now is incomprehensible! No mention utterly confusing!
Tony Olson commented
STOP, STOP changing the format!!! Let us keep the original as we are used to it and can navigete easyly!!!!!
John Stauffer commented
Check on your competition for guidelines.
Nancy Johnson commented
Hard to read, too busy, poor contrast -- total failure of a homepage!
Jeffrey Stone commented
Jeffrey Stone commented
You need to send a notification out when formats are changing so users can "know" there is a change being made.....