Stop with the fake news!!!
Why don't I have the option to remove your fake political news and click-bait articles from my feed? You allow me to remove every other category but not politics? I'm tired of seeing your biased opinions and liberal agenda pushed on us. It's time to change.

Peter Rebhun commented
Look at all of the Republican Snowflakes. Yahoo is a news aggregator. Don't like an article, move on to one that better fits your narrative. Not that hard.
slath Garner commented
I love reading the lefts articles and laughing at them. You cant find mentally ill people like them anywhere else.
Bruce W commented
Another Repub that only reads one sided opinions.
Go back to fake Fox opinions!! -
benjamin blake commented
I now come to Yahoo to only find out what the far left are trying to push on people.
Knowles senior editor and frankly all of your writers are biased and full of shit. Please understand you are killing this country!!!
Tom D commented
My comment is like the original. I've finally decided not to use Yashit for my home page. You people are soooo biased. See ya!
Tim Pallokat commented
VERIZON and Verizon Media Suck!!!! Unfortunately I work for the worst employer out there VZ and they push the liberal agenda but yet fight with the Union. Two faced SCUMBAGS. Yahoo was a purchase to hide the companies liberal agenda behind. #att or any other media company
Joe Ziccardi commented
Ray Burd commented
When writing an article it is imparative NOT to mince your words. The governor of Arizona did NOT pull funding for the Nike shoe. He pulled any tax incentives offered to Nike for their new facility here in Arizona.
J J commented
Why doesn't Yahoo do something about the obvious posts that are fake. When an account has 20000 posts there is no way that can be real. The user accounts and post should be deleted.
Esplanada de S.Pedro commented
Darlings, you are just another FAKE NEWS outlet.....we can SMELL your STINK a Million Miles away?
J OC commented
The National Review clearly drank the Trump Kool-Aid. Leave their false propaganda off this site.
Anonymous commented
My idea is how about you telling the truth. When I click on say NASA it is nothing about what it says the subject it. You put this on here your as bad as cnn,abc,cbs all of them. Your a laugh.
Anonymous commented
Absolute*** is running a fake story that the Challenger shuttle explosion involved a cover up by NASA and that the crew was found alive in the ocean. This has absolutely NO basis in fact. I remember the news reports that day and the horrific video of the shuttle being blown apart. I saw that as did millions of others that day.
Profiteering off of dead Americans who died tragically as clickbait is beyond the pale and devoid of any morals.
Yahoo should do a better job of policing this kind of trash.
April commented
Lots of **** to pass for news. Sick of all the FAKE garbage!!! Shame on you, Yahoo!!!
henryjames6 commented
Remove the one-sided reporting from this FAKE news feed. By the way, when did fashion, and the brain-dead Kardashien's get moved to NEWS FEED status? If Yahoo REFUSES to post the news, then get that name changed to "Hillary's ********* spreader" by Yahoo.
Josh Quick commented
Like most things on Yahoo, this will not be addressed or even acknowledged. That would require them to admit they do it. FAKE NEWS IS THE ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE!
Josh Quick commented
What good is reporting lies and misinformation? This makes it seem like you are pushing an agenda. The people deserve better. You media people cry about how trump slams you and then turn right around and post blatantly false stories with unreliable sources. Then when its found out to be false you just turn you back and post a correction on the original that you know is buried where no one will see it. You should call yourselves fiction writer because "journalism" is expected to be factual.
Josh Quick commented
Constant fake news headlines and misinformation. The sad part is yahoo doesn't care or have any desire to report facts. Quit pushing your lies on the people and just report facts. Why would you continue to post stories that have been proven to be false? Why post click bait headlines you also know are false. What good is a free press if their not an honest press?
Bethe King commented
There needs to be a way for readers to flag articles so they can be removed. This article should never have been written, never mind being pushed on the top of the front page.
Bethe King commented
The article on a 10-year old winning a science fair by defaming Tom Brady is a total crock and should not be promoted on Yahoo. The project done by the kid was more unscientific than the NFL report on "deflate gate" and the article promoting it is LUDICROUS, especially right before the Patriots play in another Super Bowl. I thought I'd seen enough barrel-scraping by Yahoo, but this one takes the cake!