Stupid Yahoo, what's with your stupid "sponsored" stories?
After I remove another one of your stupid "sponsored" stories from the main page, you claim that you will remove said story and make the "necessary changes"..
HOWEVER, the VERY SAME stupid "spomsored" stories keep showing up, time and again!
Stupid Yahoo, you're not just plain stupid, you're also a LIAR.

kyle cohrs commented
I am not happy with the Sponsored News articles on your home page and your sports page. They cause unwanted pop ups and mostly have women who are showing too much skin. I am a male in my mid 30's and I do not like it. You do what you have to do, but you have lost me until this is fixed. You used to have good and original stories, now it seems like 75% of the articles i see on your page are "sponsored" stories or just plain not worth my time
seife g bisrat commented
seife bisrat commented · Just Now · Delete
Read on the article on "Steve Harvey on how he lost the show" ....they're trying to sell you a tablet and you'd be scammed on your credit card for many months to come. Once you sign for the free promotion you are locked in for many months to come and you have no way out of it!!!
Yahoo knows about it and this is not the only product they scam is sad "Yahoo" is associated with it..... -
seife g bisrat commented
Read on the article on "Steve Harvey on how he lost the show" ....they're trying to sell you a tablet and you'd be scammed on your credit card for many months to come. Once you sign for the free promotion you are locked in for many months to come and you have no way out of it!!!
Yahoo knows about it and this is not the only product they scam is sad "Yahoo" is associated with it..... -
seife g bisrat commented
Yahoo should scrutinize sponsors that prey on unknowing customers that fall for advertisers like Daily News.
Martin Day commented
Please make Yahoo a real news page, not the "People" magazine of sponsored garbage.
Linda Harris commented
The articles you allow on the homepage should not be allowed to extort money from yahoo users.
Connie Hellyer commented
The only way subscribers can distinguish real news from "sponsored" (commercial and possibly fake news) in your news feed is if we notice the tiny grey type. This just doesn't cut it. Paid "news" should be easier to identify, say with an all-over background tint. By not visually distinguishing real from sponsored items, you are contributing to the disinformation of America and undermining of our republic. I know you know what you are doing. You should be ashamed.