Pay attention when people choose 'Show Less'
I hit 'Show Less' on every article from Atlanta Black Star. Why do I continue to get articles from this site?
James Rocca commented
If 95% of my new is sports and celebrity news like it currently is - I will stop viewing the yahoo news page.
James Rocca commented
Please provide options for what we want in news info. I currently have 95% of my news as sports and celebrity news. How can I change that?
Patrick Gilles commented
A paid subscriber should have the ability to curate their own news feed and shield themselves from ridiculous, pointless or potentially harmful media. I pay you for a Homepage. Then you get paid by unethical content providers to shove potential harmful stories in my face. This model is outdated and soon to be the death of antiquated media companies. Please return the ability for paid users to block harmful channels from their own bespoke - personal homepages.
Patrick Gilles commented
I demand that you remove any and all Fox News stories from my Homepage, or at the least allow me to Block certain channels. That corporation is being sued for lying and posting lies that erode our fragile democracy and Yahoo is forcing these articles into my news feed. Total ******** that I cannot customize my news feed to not see unwanted and potentially harmful media. If you can block violence, ****, libel and other channels, why can't you block this? Fix this. I must be able to "Block unwanted and potentially harmful media from my homepage".
Gene Goldenfeld commented
For the past week I've been clicking on "You will see less from Yahoo Life in your future visits," but in fact it seems like I'm seeing more. Aren't you honoring this request?
Richard Gordon commented
Why have "Show Less of Yahoo Shopping Inspirations" option if I can choose that again and again and again and nothing chnages!!! News stop
steve whitten commented
over the past several months I have keyed "show less" on easily a thousand bloombereg "articles"--still get 15-20 every day. And how about when a user mutes another user, the same username and comments keep showing up wasting my time and bandwidth.Just turn their comments off!
Anthony Galioto commented
stop posting on my site what I don't want to see
Doug Brown commented
STOP FEEDING ME CONTENT I DO NOT WANT TO SEE!!! Your continued attempts to force me to read garbage I do not want anything to do with is ******* me off something fierce!!! When I click, "See less of X" I expect to see less of X. And yet every day, that X is there. Your use of Nazi propaganda techniques (see Language of the Third Reich by Victor Klemperer) is damning and must END!
Garry Herman commented
How about making this work--if I select see less from the ******* hollywood weirdo society I want to see less about these scum bags not every other ******* story!!! Do Better because there is sucking and then there is Yahoo.
Kevin Maynard commented
Sick of all the leftists lies coming from the NY Slimes and Washington Compost. Would prefer not to see any of their propagada in my newsfeed.
Kevin Maynard commented
Why do I keep getting stories from that rag when I checked a box not to?
robert strauss commented
I want to see much less obscure articles from the likes of (BuzzFeed)(Deadline)(Huff Post)(RollingStone) (State College Daily Times)(Reading Record Searchlight)(The Indianapolis Star)(The Daily News Journal) I keep pressing the (3 dots next to the items - That says SHOW LESS- BUT YAHOO NEVER SEEMS TO DELETE THEM FROM MY SCREEN. I have been thinking about moving to another home page.