Do you even have a spam filter? I spend a lot of time every day deleting spam.
Not only do I get way too much spam, a lot of the spams come in two at a time and are duplicates of prior spams that I marked as spam. What happened to your spam filter?

Jake Landis commented
100% i flag, i mark as spam, I'll give it another month or two, before i switch completely to gmail
Cindy L Merrill commented
I get a few hundred spam emails daily- and Yahoo ignores my filters.
Matt L Newell commented
I know that this is getting worse, today I got four messages stating that there was a package for me at the USPS (each had a different address but contained the same information). I'm sure that if I hit the button that is in this message I would probably end up with some evil thing on my system. Three other messages claimed that I had won something (which is interesting since I seldom if ever do business with these companies). There should be a way of getting rid of these types of spam even if they use different addresses (maybe by making a user name to have an actual traceable TRUE name required when they make a user account). Currently I get from four to ten of these types of spam each day.
[Deleted User] commented
get alot of phishing emails ( gmail i.e. google ip) claiming i won this that etc...
repeated daily , -
Laura Swift Hause commented
For years, I rarely had to mark emails as spam, but now that Yahoo is bugging me to upgrade (pay for) their email service, I have 2-4 spam every time I check my emails! Coincidence?? Ha. I will be switching to ProtonMail. They do charge a fee, but at least they are upfront about it, and they will protect my privacy, which Yahoo does not do!
Brandon Plummer commented