comment rejected
Why was this comment rejected when it gives facts and is not attacking anyone ? Maybe machines now have feelings. Or maybe Yahoo is simply anti China and does not believe in facts.?
There is a lot of forced labour. They are forcing those John Deere machines to do the work of 20 or more people to collect the cotton.The land is owned by the Uyghurs so how can they be forced into labour? The main reason for sanctions is that the Western governments are trying to cause the people of the region to rise up against the Chinese government. They don't want the people to be successful and have a good standard of living.Looks like the West's plan is not working.

Jordan St.croix commented
I love how they reject comments that are in no way offensive. Its like someone read it and just didnt like your thought. This is literal censorship. If i wanted to live in North Korea, I would. But this is America.
Toni Walker commented
Why can't Yahoo mods reply and give reasons? Scared of being sanctioned?
David Henderson commented
Wow my response was REJECTED in 3 seconds
David Henderson commented
Looks like Conservatives runs this site, so if your posts doesn't fit their narrative it gets rejected within 8 seconds