Quit publishing years-old stories
What's with all of the years-old stories cluttering the news feed? They're showing as current dates when opened, but the content is YEARS old - Miley Cyrus's "Wrecking Ball" cover is one example. And while you're at it, any way to fix all of the repetitive posts of stories? I keep having deja vu moments scrolling down the feed as I find series of stories - three, four, and more -- repeated from earlier.

Don McMahon commented
Please get an editor for the homepage. Stylecaster is posting 10 year old content on yahoo. I've been reading yahoo for over two decades. Your decline in quality is awful.
Angel Lett commented
How about getting new stories instead of running stories from YEARS ago? This past weekend has been ridiculous! If this is to become the norm, I and probably a LOT of others will find a new "news" source. Sheesh! Ridiculous!!