Get take all of these Democrat ads OFF OF MY EMAIL home page!
I am tired of seeing the ***** Kamala Harris. Remove all Democrat ads from my email page!!!
Lust Demon commented
I just love how so many people are getting upset over Democrat ads lol
DK Rule commented
Unbelievable. Yahoo has this silly stupid complaint as "gathering info"... really? Ok, my turn. I hate Pespi... don't take ads from Pepsi. I don't like charity ads... no more cancer ad donations.
BUUUUUTTTTTT..... no "gathering info" about taking away "myyahoo" home page which has 1000's of complains about...
Yahoo is a joke. -
Sherry Spagnolo commented
I started a new homepage with StartMe which is very similar to that I had with Yahoo. This page does not do everything our old MyYahoo did, but it does allow me to put things into the homepage I was not able to in MyYahoo. They have a free and paid edition, depending what you need on your homepage. I was able to create my new page for free.
Holly & John McGovern commented
1) Quit the misleading and false come-ons for ads.
2) Lose all of the Anti-Trump, Anti-Republican, Anti-Conservative "News" outlets - what did you miss from the election?
3) Stop posting stories that are weeks-old as they are new.
4) Don't waste my time - I can get the other side from another source. -
daniel joseph marlin commented
I'm just THRILLED that you shitcanned my bookmarks and substituted your notorious yahoo **** news page for my page. I just can't describe my job. Shifting to Google is a bit of a chore, and I spend around an hour per day on the project, but I'll get there, eventually, and then I'll tell you to shove it up your
David Kriss commented
Take all political ads off. Party doesn't matter.
Dorothy Dunlap commented
Give me back my bookmarked front page customed for me.
Dorothy Dunlap commented
Give me back my own bookmarked front page, NOW. You have the disgusting trump all over your front page. I do not want him or his cronies on my page. You are shoving that ****** down my throat. Google here I come. You will lose millions of people because of your change. How stupid of you.
Harry Johns commented
You say you're listening lol...Get rid of Huffpoo. that would be a good start.
K Detmar commented
Trump hasn't even been sworn in and your "news" site is already full of anti-Trump propaganda. Stuff like this is why you lost. Get some self awareness.
Greg Gibson commented
suck it yahoo!!! all the democratic posts you guys support finally caught up you guys suck!!!! time to change the narrative so you can gain viewership again time to be a red bandwagon fan now!!!!
J.D. Hacker commented
quit being so pro Democrat and Kamala Harris.
mike grabas commented
Why do you ask me if I like/don't like an ad and I vote I don't like it, yet you keep putting it on my page....why ask if you can't deliver?
Nicole Turetsky commented
take off all political ads, this is not the place for political banter.
joe wrenn commented
K Monroe is dumber than a sack of hammers.
K Monroe commented
To all MAGA nuts, get over it and VOTE ALL BLUE! I’ve lived long enough to see that democrats in charge of the presidency, senate and house helps 95% of ALL Americans. Republicans are your enemy, unfortunately you don’t have the education to see this. Ronald Reagan made sure you wouldn’t by dropping personal wealth tax for millionaires and billionaires from 71% down to less than 39%. They cut education first. That’s why every kid in school since the end of the 1980’s went from 20 kids per teacher to 40 kids per teacher! No teacher can give enough time to each student in the time they are in their class. Republicans did this and they have done much worse!! Look up what Mitch McConnell did to stop everything Obama tried to do for 99% of all Americans! Mitch made a pact to stop whatever Obama did even if it helped the American people!! This is well verified, if you have the brains to do real research. God help America against tRUMP and his evil band of minions!!
Kelli Tobolsky commented
I'm so done with these Kamala Harris ads.. ENOUGH!!! I DO NOT WANT TO SEE another DEMOCRAT PERIOD!
Anne Boutin commented
Well, I think that all these Republicans posting should go to another site.
Renee C Silverthorn commented
Get rid of political ads in my inbox. It's always for who I don't support.
Byron D Cagle commented
Yall's anti Republican attitude is over for me. Don't like Trump ok but at least make it look like you've attempted to offer some unbiased info. Ats it. I'm moving on. Bye...