Yahoo Mail Contacts INTL
Welcome to our Yahoo Contacts feedback forum! This is a place for you to help shape the new Yahoo Mail Contacts experience. We review the most popular, feasible ideas from this forum to make positive changes to your Yahoo Contacts.
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86 results found
Elenchi rubrica
pessimo aggiornamento. Ora non è più possibile modificare gli elenechi, aggiungerne di nuovi, o collegare un contatto agli elenchi esistenti...
provvedete a risolvere questa problematica, o mi vedrò costretto ad abbandonare il vostro server di posta, che è diventato incopatibile con le esigenze del mio lavoro19th ranked -
Rendez moi l'ancienne version ! Vous faites exactement ce qu'il faut pour que je change de messagerie.
Rendez moi l'ancienne version ! Vous faites exactement ce qu'il faut pour que je change de messagerie. Cette nouvelle version est une merde à mettre à la poubelle
38th ranked -
wo ist der Aktualisierungs-Button geblieben??? Auch beim Switch-back zur alten Version ist dieser nun verschwunden... wie blöd ist das??
Button für Aktualsierung wieder einbauen
38th ranked -
How about removing dead email accounts
I find I have removed dead email accounts from my contact list time and time again for the past six weeks now and every time I go to send an email all those deleted or dead accounts are put back in my contact list by Yahoo mail ....... WHY Yahoo WHY?
38th ranked -
Gestion des contacts catastrophiques !!!
Comment des ingénieurs peuvent-ils faire des mises à jour aussi pzu performantes ??? La gestion des contacts était simple, elle est devenue impossible, sauf si on a un prix Nobel !!! Trouver un contact, arriver à le modifier, trouver une liste, la modifier… tout cela est impossible !!! Je ne me fais aucune illusion quant à une réponse rapide, mais on dirait vraiment que tout est fait pour envoyer les adeptes de Yahoo de longue date vers d'autres cieux… pour ma part j'y réfléchis de plus en plus… merci d'avance de revenir dès que possible à une gestion simple des…
19th ranked -
i wish . connect . on . Facebook
mail . Contact . -on . Facebook . Messanger . Territory
38th ranked -
Deplorable acceso a acceder de manera directa escribiendo mi contraseña
Deseo acceder a de manera directa escribiendo mi contraseña, sin necesidad de usar mi verificación en mi teléfono...Se pierde tiempo
38th ranked -
This email style is very very very bad. You are pushing Yahoo email users to move to another e-mail provider. Please give me back the Clas P
It is very bad e-mail style. Classic yahoo mail is much better
38th ranked -
Gestion des contacts dégradée dans la nouvelle version
La nouvelle gestion des contacts n'est pas fonctionnelle : impossible d'ajouter un contact sur une liste.
Vos changements sans période d'essai ou moyens de revenir en arrière ne sont pas acceptables : surtout quand vous dégradez le service !
Merci de nous permettre de revenir à l'ancienne version tant que la nouvelle n'apporte pas autant de fonctionnalités.19th ranked -
pas moyen, en survolant avec la souris, de se déconnecter. Alors qu'avant, si !
pas moyen, en survolant avec la souris, de se déconnecter. Alors qu'avant, si !
38th ranked -
Appalling themes for new Inbox
The themes for the new Inbox are so ugly, it makes me want to leave Yahoo. How can you not offer other more colour schemes or let users customise them more. They are all ugly! The graphic designers who came up with this should be fired!
38th ranked -
J'aimerais récupérer l'ancienne version, ai je le choix?
L'ancienne version me convenait très bien, pourquoi m'obliger à en changer?
38th ranked -
Quitaron las opciones del botón derecho (responder a todos, reenviar, etc.)
Por qué quitaron la opción de acceder a diversas acciones mediante el botón derecho del mouse? No fue bueno el cambio.
38th ranked -
custom keyboard shortcuts
as title says, add a way to customize your keyboard shortcuts
randomly swapping the binds for "mark as read" to instead be "mark as unread" is like having a 1 in 5 chance that a folder will instead give you 3 seconds to find the cancel button for deleting your account
shift k is inconvenient for me while k isnt
38th ranked -
i can not see my emails with the new with google chome
i can not see my emails with the new with google chome
38th ranked -
you have so much space at the top of the page used for nothing of value you can not actually see the message in the bottom! VERY IrritAting
Use less space in the header area... squish down you photo **** that we are not actually looking at, and have the top of the page less used with nothing but dead space, so that we can actually see the email on the page... and you can not scroll the page and message to read what is in the message text area... to type a message I can read less than one line at a time... very distracting and frustrating... so tired with YAHOO... you are no longer the user friendly system you used to be... changing to other email…
38th ranked -
csv export showing list field again please
There is use to "Lists" in Yahoo Contacts, and Lists used to have specified fields in the exported CSV. Please bring it back, so I can work out where all these strange addresses came from, when I export a CSV.
19th ranked -
i can not see the new 7 with google crime i have windows 10
i can not see the new 7 with google crime i have windows 10
38th ranked -
Kontakte importieren
wie kann man bei der neuen Version Kontakte importieren?
19th ranked -
disable side panel
There is a side panel displayed in new version. This panel should be optional. Currently, we can hide this using the arrow button in mails panel. After few seconds, this side panel gets shown again. I've to keep hiding it while I'm going through emails. This is so annoying. I would like to have the side panel taken off permanently or make it optional for others.
38th ranked
- Don't see your idea?