news need to be current last 24 hours not last 7 days news and not missguided panic
headlines should reflect current up to date news not 5 day old click bait be the first provider to list accual news and not click bait

Penny Garver commented
Update your news feed. There are articles that are over a week old!!!
Bobby Smith commented
The same quizzes are posted to your front page over & over & over again...WHY???
kdru rhodes commented
Make sure your posts aren't last years!
j m commented
Update news stories
victor wilson commented
This happens on Yahoo and MSN. I have to look at post and re-posts of the same story from different outlets. Do you realize how annoying that is? Can't Yahoo post a story ONE time from the first outlet that provides the story?
Me Anderson commented
Don't share 6 tweets all discussing one topic and say it's news. It's not. we all have access to Twitter. Do your job and actually write about stuff
Pamela Wilson commented
I'm sick of this a month same news feed and 6 years of you spam junk stop already
David Drummond commented
The information won't update. The news site is three days ahead. You trying to censor my news.
Greg Price commented
one time stories
[Deleted User] commented
Coronavirus may cause some food shortages, warns government task force