Stop the Elizabeth Hurley stories.... apparently someone in Yahoo has a thing for her as she is in multiple stories a day and week.
The constant stories about Elizabeth Hurley and Paulina Porischzkova(sp) would seem to indicate someone at Yahoo has a fixation on them. Please replace them with better items.

Dovregubben The Troll commented
the same goes with other over the hill former models who decide to pose nude to get attention. Same goes with so called female singers like lizzo who pose nearly naked. its never about their so called musical talent
Pablo A Burbano commented
Do people know you can opt not to see any article and related subject when you right click on it? (perhaps Yahoo needs to have a quick link /help page for all functionality end users are able to do)
Ray Chasin commented
And AOC.
Melanie Torres commented
For the love of God, please stop posting articles about Elizabeth Hurley posing in bikinis. Stop giving that thirsty woman attention. So sick of seeing her, it's ridiculous. Whoever on your staff that has the crush on her needs to look at her pics on his OWN time. Seriously Yahoo, that's enough.
Steven Enloe commented
It’s not just Hurley, it’s all the **** pictures of all the women and no matter how many times we are told it is a real picture we all know it has been photo shopped. They are all so fake.