" Manage Publishers" seems to have disappeared, BRING IT BACK!!!
" Manage Publishers" seems to have disappeared, BRING IT BACK!!!
We have removed the “Show Less” functionality from our news feed due to feedback and low usage from our overall user base. For those currently using “Show Less”, your existing preferences for blocked publishers will be maintained for the time being, but we no longer allow the ability to modify these preferences. Stay tuned though – we have lots of exciting updates ahead to bring you the high quality, relevant stories you want and need.
Mark Phillips commented
A button for "block all news articles from the site" would be nice.
joel manley commented
Please let us block the hill,salon and msnbc tired of the lies.
CC Stuff commented
There used to be a way to swipe the articles you didn’t care about or didn’t want. That was a fantastic tool. There are so many articles that mean nothing to me and they just clutter the page. Please bring that back or give me some control of what pages are featured.
CRAIG R. R MESHAW commented
I subscribe to a publisher that has been blocked because it seemed spammy. Why, and how is this happening?
William Anthony Bentz commented
This is ridiculous
Taking away "show less" option is literally driving me crazy. I don t need the same article from the same publisher duplicated 5+ times on the same page
I'm sure it also eats up data on my plan. Your excuse is shallow and unbelievable. Aren't you making enough money? Now you would rather drive the user crazy. Do you think we have to have identical click bait imposed on us 5+ times hoping we will bite and the publisher will keep paying. I Don t want to let your algorithm substitute my right of choice in publishers and frequency. Yahoo please bring back that option to manage publishers. Balance between user and bottom line
Greed is not good -
<i>qqqqqqq</i>'"/ tester commented
Eric Grapes commented
Sounds like I will not be using yahoo at all for any type of news now
A R commented
Can yahoo at least define the parameters used to determine the stories we “need”? Or yahoo could tell the truth that their aggregation is complete trash and only has access to a handful of sites that continually churn bot/GPT written articles out to keep division high and ad dollars flowing? This has turned into a toxic, divisive platform, just as intended.
[Deleted User] commented
News free internet. Allow users to opt out of all news.
c b commented
"The root" is racist no more racist news outlets talking about racist black organizations we are all Americans here and should not have black or white organizations! "Black twitter" you call it is racist. Can you imagine if they had a "white twitter"? It would be racist. Yahoo must hate white people
jack shaw commented
Used to be decent but recent year getting garbage news feeds from conspiracy lying orgs like the telegraph.
Jorge Sabio commented
basta de publicaciones de ultraderecha!!! sean mas ecuànimes
c b commented
Bring it back ! Let me block the racist news from the racist black owned news outlets like "root" .let me block the LGBTQ+beliefs news outlets because we dont believe in your LGBTQ+beliefs like a man in a dress is magically a woman lol. Let me block your far left news outlets that are full of hate towards Republicans spreading lies about the Republican party! Those silly fox news articles are not news, post the fox news political articles please !
Thomas Gerweck commented
Starting to see more “news” from “The Blast”, which seem similar to butt blasts from Breitbart and Newsmax . Since I’m allergic to neo facists, don’t wear a MAGA hat and worship the Mango Mussolini, and can no longer modify news feeds on Yahoo…buh bye Yahoo
Tahler Thacker commented
It is extremely irritating. I use MSN homepage more now.
David Primuth commented
Even when logged in, I frequently see publishers I have blocked in the past. Very disappointing!! Please live up to your agreements!!
Matt Duke commented
Didn't there used to be a feature on the home page where we could say we want to see more links to articles from certain publications, or fewer links to articles from those publications? Please bring that feature back.
Ted Moscynski Jr commented
My homepage is filled with sites I have removed in the past. Your claim of "low usage" is bogus and I have checked with countless other users/past users of Yahoo homepage and they all say that without the feature Yahoo is filtering what newsfeeds I am allowed to view.
Oracle Stone commented
My home page is now 50% Huffpost and Atlanta Black Star. So, the only topics are Trump hating and accusations of racism. Real riveting stuff.
Philip Anderson commented
I am open to all points of view, however, hateful, gossip organizations like The Huffington Post that ONLY publish Anti-Trump rhetoric 24/7, are not NEWS and are the antithesis of a free press. Please create a way to filter this from my feed?