Why is it that no matter what I post or comment, it's ALWAYS rejected? Why are so many american opinions of no consequence to Yahoo? Your getting extremely close to a federal courtroom for multiple constitutional violations, and that's not just my opinion.

Ryan X commented
Yahoo refuses to post alot of conservative comments. They are breaking constitutional law and should be shut down. Anyone that has this happen to them needs to report them. Eventually I will start a class action lawsuit.
Korndragon commented
Korndragon commented
They will.
Korndragon commented
Call them up and cuss at them. Tell me that they don't back!
Korndragon commented
They dont even care what rules laws violations, they arent a real share holder or owner nothing matters to these people!
Korndragon commented
They are a third party media advertiser. They dont care of breaking rules! THEY ARENT A REAL MEDIA SHARE OWNER !!
Korndragon commented
They arent even corporate owned anymore as were. Yahoo sold out to verizon and verizon sold it off to a third party! VERIZON TURNED THIS CIRCUS OF CIRCUSES TO **** !
c dubb commented
I'm sick of you rejected perfectly reasonable comments because a machine thinks it might hurt someone's feelings. I've seen people post racist malicious comments and comments are rejected. I use the word idiots and that what you deemed to violate community standers. Yahoo has become a joke.
Bruce Carlton commented
They are definitely leaning to the right!
John Pavelko commented
I was rejected earlier for the first time, with no clear reasoning as to why. The world of AI is a sad place indeed. I hope they fix this, for everyone's sake.
Leon Bell commented
Why are my comments rejected? I never get a reason or explanation.
Bagels N' Cream Cheese commented
Your new format deletes all my posts. I'm moving along to another platform that allows me to post what I believe in, not what happens to be popular.
I can post "have a great day" and it disappears. -
Leon Bell commented
Why are my comments rejected? No matter what I attempt to post, it's always rejected. None of my appeals are answered. I can copy and paste a comment that you have accepted and it's rejected also. What's up?
Brian MacGregor commented
Censorship is not your function. Yahoo is becoming useless!!
Ralph Lograsso commented
How about instructions on where to buy glass stomachs so yall can see where you're going with your head up your ***
Leon Bell commented
My comments are all rejected also. No matter what I post, it's rejected and I'm given no explanation for why it's rejected nor given option to appeal.
corey langahm commented
The chat restrictions is really making me mad, I am a disabled American who is trying to fight against ignorance against people with disabilities in the cracker barrel story. Why are comments suggesting that all people with disabilities should be thrown in a pit allowed and I'm not able to respond telling him that he should be thrown in that pit. Again, he said millions of Americans should be thrown in the pit and it was allowed and I said 1 American should be thrown in that pit, and it was not allowed. The inconsistency of the chat restricted is really making me consider suing yahoo
were are my comments
I can't see or post any / -
Sir Jeffrey Noneofyourbussiness commented
I can post Have a Nice Day and my post gets rejected.
Kevin B Lewis commented
Bye Bye Yahoo...been together from the beginning on My Yahoo, unfortunately the new site is garbage.