Why is it that no matter what I post or comment, it's ALWAYS rejected? Why are so many american opinions of no consequence to Yahoo? Your getting extremely close to a federal courtroom for multiple constitutional violations, and that's not just my opinion.
AL MINDERMAN commented
Tell your advertisers they now have one less set of eyeballs seeing their name. I have had it with Yahoo's insane 'Community Guidelines' when one party can use profanity, and my comment using the word 'bigotry' got rejected. Even direct quotes from stories, properly placed in quotation marks, are rejected. If you can't print a user's comments, don't print the story, either.
Bruce Carlton commented
I think there are people from both political party's that spam the posts so they do not get posted!
R D B commented
Yes. Comments from sections long closed, comments already approved being rejected days later jist because someone doesn't like it and spams the reporting. Ridiculous.
gioacchino aj patuto commented
Give a chance to comment on Yahoo news!
M. J. Potter commented
I've been rejected several times also, and I'm not even profane about it. BrIan Reed...if you need a witness for your class action suit, count me in!!!
Duane Sterner commented
Please explain to ppl why you are rejecting every comment made for no apparent reason. I’ve called to talk to live people who cannot answer my questions
Bruce Carlton commented
Stop blocking my posts!
Ken Thompson commented
Moderate your moderators! They attempt to delete comments that they don't agree with. I've actually see them try to misspell the words that I had already written within my comment, or change the spirit of my thought all together. It's one thing, if I break the rules of the Yahoo guidelines, but it's quite another thing, if the unsupervised moderators kick me out or change my verbiage just because my opinion doesn't align with theirs. I've witnessed this many times. I've even seen a moderator try to misspell my words while I was watching! They've even done it now!
Democrat =corruption Corrupt commented
America has First Amendment rights you violate those rights everyday. You're not allowed to post a comment about a journalist or the person that made the comment. They're allowed to call you an idiot moron whatever they want to and they do not get censored. You are violating My First Amendment rights
Jordan Thomas Loveless commented
All you morons complaining about your 1st amendment rights being violated. While I agree it's dumb af, yahoo isn't the government and it's not a rights violation to reject your commentary on a message board.
Jordan Thomas Loveless commented
Your idiotic AI keeps rejecting my comments when I asked another commenter what JRA is. She was able to say it in her comment, why couldn't I ask what it was? You guys are ridiculous. Your site sucks and I'm 37 and I hate that I've used your email since I was in 7th grade, it's the only thing your rotten company is good for and I'm really stretching when I say that.
Elizabeth Garcia commented
I posted a comment earlier today. It looked like it was published but now I can't even sign on to my account. Too many failed attempts?? That's what the notification I get when I attempt to see anything on Yahoo now.
Pepe Silvia Silvia commented
My comments get denied along with my appeals. I use my burner account and post the same thing and it doesn't get clearly I'm not violating community guidelines
boat motor commented
I can just put a icon of this sites comment page and it is rejected. I just typed a D on the comments and it was rejected 20 seconds later, all my ad blockers are off and I have tried 3 different browsers. why is that? do we need to move to msn news?
michael walsh commented
Yahoo News won't let me post comments to some stories or respond to comments from others. There is no easy method to communicate issues to Yahoo or get assistance.
Robert j commented
I have no intention of posting obscenities,hate messages , inappropriate language or false comments,yet I am being rejected no matter how soft my comments are is it time to send my complaint to a government oversight social Media?
Michael Barish commented
In the email that is sent to inform a comment was rejected. Include the comment. Also include why it was rejected.
AJ J Dukes commented
Socialism Sucks!!!!
Thomas L commented
Hahaha! I can't even write that word where the devil lives. Am I on the child version of Yahoo or something?
Arnold Coda commented
Why do you - Yahoo - reject MANY of my posts with "Failed to post. Retry"? This has happened on even one-word replies such as "Agree" or "Disagree". WHY?