Reverse all the canges of the past 3+ years and make Yahoo Mail waht it once was.
First Yahoo decided that Yahoo Groups should disappear. Then Yahoo introduced the "new and improved" mail. It wasn't much to get excited about. Then Yahoo decided that those nasty ad blockers had to go because everyone chose to block ads. I forwarded all my email to my Gmail account. Problem solved. Today I get a message that as of 1/1/21 I will have to pay upgrade to Yahoo mail Pro to let the forwarding continue. WHY IS YAHOO MAIL INTENTIONALLY TRYING, WITH EVERY FIBER OF IT'S BEING, TO DRIVE LOYAL, LONG-TIME USERS AWAY? IN MY CASE, SOMEWHERE IN EXCESS OF 17 YEARS. i OUGHT TO GET A REWARD FOR PUTTING UP WITH ALL THIS C**P, NOT A BILL.

Luke Amies commented
The strange thing is that they do all this and THEN expect us to pay. The user experience in the last few years has be pretty ordinary, so why would I think paying for a service would deliver anything better? It's clear they're only interested in generating revenue and don't care about their customers and users. I guess most of us won't be around to find out how it all goes!