Why the censoring of calculations?
I had a comment rejected where I literally simply pointed out the Poster's comment referenced -20C while the article referenced -32F. So all that I did was the calculation and got censored by Yahoo! and want to know why. The exact (copied and pasted) text was:
"So you do realize they mentioned -32F in the article, so talking around -35.5C (I know... only 15.5C colder than you mention, but still)"
Soooo... what in that deserved to be rejected??? Is it that I mentioned "they" when I meant the article? NOTE: I was replying to a comment mentioning 20C... so please note the jumping back and forth of Fahrenheit and Celsius.
Ref.: Teslas are clogging up a Chicago Supercharger station as freezing temperatures play havoc with EVs
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