US Yahoo News
- Lauren Johnston, Executive Editor, Yahoo News U.S.
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880 results found
Stop showing articles from outlets I select to show less of
When I hide select show less of an article, stop flooding me with more articles from that media outlet because it's part of the narrative you are trying to ram down everyone's throat.
Take a look at example # 19 caption at
Look at #19 on article at—
Button not working AGAIN! Evidently, Yahoo wants to FORCE Fake NEWS on the public. And that's why you are the ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE!
Why does Yahoo keep defaulting to Canada Yahoo?
I've checked my settings, and everything looks fine. It's happening on my phone and my husband's laptop.
its fine
i cannot log onto yahoo but i can on
Comments aren't being updated
Comments are no longer being updated live.
Yahoo's manipulation of comment section and censoring specific users proven
Yahoo's manipulation of the comment sections and censoring specific users who have not violated any 'standards' other than yahoo's agenda is easily proven by logging out, clearing all cookies, logging back in (preferably using different IP address) and clicking on article that previously omits the comment section...
Enter comment, and it will ask for you to login... after logging in the comment section will vanish and will not return for that article and any others until you sign off, clear cookies again and return to yahoo's page... you will then miraculously see the comment sections reappear until you log back… -
why are ALL my comments being rejected
Hoping it's an error or a glitch. Please advise and update if corrected. Do you guys actually care?
I requested several times to see less "NextShark", "Shadow and Act" and "USA Today"
I requested several times to see less "Buzzfeed", "NextShark" "Shadow and Act" and "USA Today" and it seems these news sources are always in my timeline. Please remove them. Thanks,
Why does Yahoo protect Liberals with censoring the real truth posted by it's readers. I am censored here daily
Stop censoring period. We have a two party system in the USA. Seems Yahoo prefers to hear from only one party and censors independents. YAHOO also allows name calling from the Liberals while censoring GOP and independents daily
cannot comment on news stories endless login/signup loop
im signed in to my yahoo account. when i try to comment i get prompted to signup/log in . enter yahoo id & pw. page refreshes back and i still cannot comment get the same login prompt.
Blank areas on the screen should not be "linked"
It's too easy to accidentally click on what you think is a blank area on a page while reading an article and suddenly be sent to the yahoo news home page. Kind of disruptive. Why?
Get it right
Get it right. The large meat packing plant owned by Tyson is in Dakota City, Nebraska, not South Dakota. Only offices still exist in South Dakota. Others have tried in South Dakota and have not made the cut. If this plant were to be built, let's say near Sioux City, IA, it might have a chance because of the available labor market, Hispanic along with with South East Asians, and caucasians.
We have Tyson, a new large Smithfield pork plant, along with cold storage, rail facilities, trucking, and a hand full of small packers.
I'm, constantly being blocked in comments for emojis?
Why am I constantly being blocked in comments because my reply "contains an emoji" - When the comment section ALLOWS EMOJIS?
I'm actually not even using emojis, but for some dumb reason, because I'm commenting from my iPad, the system assumes I added an emoji....
Why do you reprint letters to the editor from local yokels who just don't have clue what's true and what's Q?
I just ran up on a letter to the editor from some bimbo who thinks the country was "founded on " christianity. NOW where do you "learn" some stupid nonsense like that? And why would you spread it around as if it was "fact"? Don't these religious morons cause enough pain and suffering as it is, without letting them dribble their made-up "history" all over the rest of us?
- Don't see your idea?