Stop Sponsored ads. I don't want unsolicited email. They might be sponsored but they eat into my downloads at my expense
Stop Sponsored ads. I don't want unsolicited email. They might be sponsored but they eat into my downloads at my expense

Anonymous commented
I received unsolicited advertising material in my email inbox from Yahoo! Plus 7 without the option for an unsubscribe link. This is illegal under Australian law (Spam Act 2003) and I have lodged a formal complaint to the Australian Communications and Media Authority. I use gmail and only went on this stupid website to change my password because of the account hacking scandal!
Matthew commented
I like the idea of complaining to the advertising companies about yahoo's aggressive and offensive use of their product advertisements.
When an ad gets jammed in my face so much that I cant use my internet anymore, I tend to grow angry at the site provider and the product represented in the ad that is causing me all the grief.
Why would an advertiser want to be represented like this??? -
Anonymous commented
Complain to the companies using Yahoo's email advertising. If enough people complain the companies will spend their ad dollars elsewhere.
Anonymous commented
I have selected no advertising and continue to have these ads in my in box. I do not want them and there is no way to contact Yahoo about it. Get rid of the ads! I don't like having advertising forced on my with no way to delete them.
Anonymous commented
Suddenly and without my approval or request I am getting numerous unsolicited emailed ads in my inbox. Try as I might I cannot get these stopped without incurring expense. I've been with Yahoo mail for many years and suddenly this has happened out of the blue. How the **** do I stop it other than switch my provider which I don't want to do because of the massive inconvenience. Tom
Heather Evans commented
I also agree - this is incredibly intrusive and unwanted. I hate it.
Anonymous commented
I completely agree.