Remove comment section from entire site
Remove comment section from entire site

Linda Shumate commented
BEN, "normal healthy-minded people?" Are you kidding me? Normal people expect to be able to practice freedom of speech. What isn't normal is half the stupid articles written by people who work for Yahoo that do not know how to write. They don't know how to spell most of the time either.
Pete Caruso commented
Instead of Yahoo Comments, go to to freely join the conversation. has an easy login, ability to like/dislike comments, follow commenters. Even easier, just go to settings and add to your list of start pages. Apparently, foxnews is not afraid of constructive feedback on stories, lively discussion, humorous snarky comments, and enlightening banter.
Amadeu Pumar commented
T commented
Cry more Nancy, guess you gonna have to find somewhere else to act like a ****** :)
Nancy Nonames commented
Outdated ideas that were enacted after June of 2017!!!!!
Censorship was accomplished! Are you proud of yourself? Anonymous?????
Ben Williams commented
Trolls and robots need the public comment section to stay viable, normal healthy-minded people do not.
Ben Williams commented
Yes! Keep them off! I keeps all the political robots out of work? And VOTE this November, drop off your ballot at the polling place, WE NEED CHANGE!
Joe Graves commented
Comments were better years ago, when posters were more reasonable and polite, and there wasn't much hate mongering. If there is no way to go back to that, then we don't need them. Not if they are going to be a venue for the bigots, the conspiracy theorists, the haters, and the troll farms. If you can't keep them out of the comments, then it is best to do without.
Stacy E Jenkins commented
robert d. metler commented
bunch of **** *****'s can't take the truth........
mike dellay commented
NO ::: Turn the **** thing back on
Randall Crane commented
If you can't find a way to block Russian troll farms from trying to influence our democracy, then put an end to the comments.
Linda Samarzia commented
It's increasingly apparent that people are using the comment boards to spew hatred, bigotry, homophobia, and anti-religious views. YAHOO (and other online media) are actually encouraging the divisiveness in America by giving a platform to those who would probably never voice their negative bias if they didn't have the cloak of anonymity. YAHOO needs to be cognizant of their complicity and cut off comments. PLEASE TRY TO HEAL AMERICA.
Chris Lowel commented
waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah, I have no other choice than to read the comments boooo hoooo. They hurt me and the whales held captive at Sea World.
OB1 obrien commented
Remove the comments section to prevent trolls and bots from creating division in our country. Many other sites have prevented this drudgery and yahoo should follow suit.
Stephen Garrett commented
Another request by an 'I'm offended ' snowflake to shut down all speech which does not agree with their twisted thinking. This is a tactic Hitler ( a left wing socialist ), Stalin ( a left wing communist ) , chairman Mao and many other left wing terrorists used to shut the people up before shipping them off to be murdered by the millions.
Josh Quick commented
Might as well they censor any comment that doesn't follow the lefts party line. They post blatantly racist and offensive articles and you can't even call them out because if your conservative they censor you and your opinion even when it doesn't violate the TOS. Just more liberal propaganda coming out of biased California
Necoo m commented
Ridding the site of a platform for free speech and discussion is not something anyone should ever want just because they don't want their feelings hurt. What the **** is wrong with the people who want this? The capacity to articulate positions and opinions based on an article and converse with those willing to talk about it is far too important to remove just because you are afraid of your positions being challenged or are so uptight that you consider alternative positions and perspectives to be hateful.
If you don't want a comment section, skip it and don't read it. No one is forcing you to do so. The only thing I see for those commenting support for this are fools who are so afraid of being offended that they would rather shut down the capacity for people to discuss and engage in topics than risk their fragile little world from being upended just from a bit of talk.
"To be able to think you have to risk being offensive." Those who support this motion apparently don't want to be able to think.
basesickkid Gilmore commented
would be nice if yahoo disabled comments. did and i would much rather get my news from there. all yahoo is doing by allowing comments is further divide this nation based on politics. its disgusting.
basesickkid Gilmore commented
would be nice if yahoo disabled comments. did and i would much rather get my news from there. all yahoo is doing by allowing comments is further divide this nation based on politics. its disgusting.